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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. awwwwwww this is tough choice i'm gonna have to make but, Hello Kitty!!!!!! Rock or Classic Music?
  2. Are they going to have other disney tales into eggs? that would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am Danielle, I am Designer of Marc Jacobs, I live in Djibouti and today I am Dizzy with love!!!!!!!!
  4. 1.Smorkle 2.Myladyyawo 3.Chay 4.Clair a bell 5.Lucky Strike Give me 5 princess items of pet society
  5. waltz tango mambo chachacha minuet give me 5 rock bands
  6. YES a swapping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a great idea!!!! and there are so beautiful!!!!!!! I would be crazy for a cinderella theme Lazar!!!!!!!!!
  7. 1.Lovestoned- justin timberlake 2.Love story-Taylor swift 3. Lovelockdown- kayne west 4.Love - muse 5. I love you Baby-muse Give me 5 fashion designers-or brands with their names starting with C
  8. ALL !!!!!!!! I'm being a little selfish!!! Truth or dare?
  9. :Oops: is mazy ok? i did n't want to make you cry!!!!!
  10. My name is Zina,I am a Zara stylist,I live in Zimbabwe and today I am zooming in fashion trends!!!!!!!!
  11. maybe i could help somehow after all i always wanted to be a stylist!!!!!!
  12. that are a lot of money!!!!!!!!!! lea for the update!!!
  13. very much for your help!!!! I 'm just worried if I did someting wrong! ?
  14. it is really cute that you like fashion but not ps clothing on your pet!!! you really love your pet!!!!!!!! i decided to make pinky more rock today and I change my avatar, do you like it ?
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