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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. I am back!!!! hahahahahahaha-evil :girl_devil: date
  2. my internet connection is weird!!!! it is really nice!!!!! I the huge strawberry!!!!! :shok: I just saw the candy on the trees!!!!!!!!! wish there were on ps also and in real life!!!!!!
  3. it happens the same thing to me!!! I also just press canel and I countinue playing and i always save but what i have noticed is tht when the pop up appears it affects the chat on fb, and i can not speak either when I am off line or on line! :wassat2:
  4. oooooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!! it really nice!!!! i guess this particular competition is going to be the most delicious and mysterious one!!!!! I am so excited!!!!
  5. i the last!!!!!!! and the others are really nice but honestly this one is really different and very creative!!!! well done for everyone!!!!!!! :good:
  6. I was watching it on the news today that it UK has really heavy snow and I saw some people from Wales and they all say that they love the snow but not when you have to go to work!!! it is really preety and sweet the snow but when you can not get out of the house you sometimes wish you could own a Helicopter!!!! like once we could not get out of the house for two weeks the school was closed for almost 2 months!!!! but it was really cold!
  7. my pet alwways waves at me! and she is so sweet!!! aren't they cute?
  8. it was really emotional really!!! oh my!!! your poor pet!!! and that evil :girl_devil: friend of yours!!! how could heeeeee!!!!!!!! :threaten: :bully2: that then your pet survived!!!!!! you can always find true friends and we hope that your pet will always be happy and has the best 1st birthday ever!!!!!! My Pet had her birthday on the 1st of January and as a birthday gift I bought her the dragon doll , than when It was releashed i was too poor to buy!!! !!!!!!!! My pet also means a lot to me, because I created her, because on Christmas Day our dog died, and I wanted to be ocupied with something else and not to think about it!!! because i cried , but ofcourse my dog is not replacable , but throught pet society I find more than just a friend, and now i have met you, wonderfull and generous people!!! for the long message! you are a very good writer btw Lazar
  9. for the wireless you are very lucky!!!
  10. Well I am from Greece and we are too orthodox but we celebrate Christmas on the 25 of December and New yeras Eve on the 1st of December, Maybe there is a difference in the calendar i think, the main point thought is that Christmas is a celebration of love and happiness that unites all the people from all over the world and bring them together depsite the cultural differencies!!! that is why I christmas!!!
  11. back!!! I had a great X-mas!!! I hope you had!!! i still not able to see all my friends!!! and Lazar,I did not know that!!!!!!! O_o
  12. i just saw it , I was out!!! very much again!!! My pet is really :happy:
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