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Everything posted by Fashionista

  1. i would trade for really rare items like dolls and then distibute them!!!!so everyone can have a rare of their dreams!!!!!!!! what if yiu could design something for ps?
  2. nooooooooo way! i don't eat that much!!! I would propably share!!! what if you could be in a music concert first raw?
  3. oh! :good: yes!!!!!! if you had the chance to be a director a movie?
  4. i dunno i guess i would like to visit countries and great personalities and great buildings while constructed!!!! what if you could change the world's history, what would you change?
  5. may be you should!!!! i guess the first thing i would do is to go the clothes store and create some new looks and styles and bags!!!!! and then then cash coins to spend them and gift them !!!!!! what if you could write a song for madonna?
  6. i would ask him to distribute free computers for the schools in the poor countries what if you could be God for one week? -just like the movie
  7. havaianas! ballerinas or heels?
  8. i loved it!!!!!!! can't wait for the part two!!!! the agony!!!!!!! i hope rocky is safe and sound at the end!!!!! i wish i could help you, but i am clueless!!!!! maybe if you go to the advise section and ask someone can help you!!!!
  9. madonna revolver david guetta remix radio edition
  10. i guess i am not the only crazy one!!! and that is another reason i ps because you connect with people from all over the world!!!! so amazing!!!! and Lucky yes my dad is the best!!! !!!! and ouuuuuu do not even mention again about the exams thank god i am over with them for about 2.5 years now!!!!!!!! ou i have not realized it!!!!!
  11. that is so nice!!! and sweet!!! everyone want a guardian angel!!!!!
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