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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. yes i knew you were talking about the little notes left on you door... those are the ones i simply ingonre... and it really upsets me coz when i load ps and find some laying there, i think "Wow its one of my lovely friends tell me something nice" and when i open it and see a "give cc's" with no "hello" or "please" it really brings my hopes down
  2. yes i know.. i feel really bad for thet little guy, but i really want a female lion, and i dont want to sell any other petling, sos he is the one whos making the sacrifice
  3. i hope so... and i think they will... coz mine were fixed OT thit you read about my petling nightmare... i lost all of them for a while, but i was able to get them back i was so scared
  4. opps i think im a little late on this thread, bu anyways. i know how you feel Tiddly, that happens to me often too. and i just ignore them. i have to say that i was a CC seller before the 4999's whent off shops, but not anymore. and if i want to give somebodya CC gift i will do it as a surprise also, or as a wishlist granting, and only to PSFC members... not complete strangers. i also dropped down my chatting list to only safe and good friends that way i dont get anoying chat messages asking insistently for CC or any other item
  5. i just found out... my petlins are all the right size yuppie... how are yours doing Tiddly? did they grew up again?
  6. hahahaha.. i think so,, he felt unloved and wanted to get back on me
  7. yesterday a bought another lion petling, hoping on getting the female lion but i didnt, instead i got a ugly grey lion, so since you cant buy new one before it fully grows i tried not feeding him so it can run away, coz i tried to sell it and i couldnt. so today when the new day arrived, i had the little crying petling icon on my screen and i thought hurray i can buy a new lion, but first i whent to feed the rest of my 9 lovely petlins.. but what was my surprise, that there was no petlings on my petling room.. all of them had dissapeared, even my 2 tigers ... and i had fed them the day before.. i know for sure that there wasnt any hungry petling except for my not so cute grey baby lion. of course i freaked out, so i posted for help, and in a few seconds a friend helped and i was able to get ALL of my petling again. even the ugly lion.. but you can imagine how i felt now im gonna wait untill that grey lion grows to sell it and buy another one to see if i get the female lion
  8. really cool!! but i thought something like the farmville video, some fan questions, psfc news... blah blah... and spoilers!!! yes of course, i just wanted to share the video i made yes! instead of the spoilers to make a video like that!! but that would be reeeeally, hard, because idk who would record it EVERY WEEK... i'd love to do it, but my mic is broken, so unless i get a new one... i can't do it that is what im working on right now, but it has to be a PSFC mod, so it can have the PSFC name on it... im just making a sample for Lisa, and then she or Mr. Mayor can do it
  9. did you see the farmville video i posted on the top post? im making something like that but ofcourse with a PS theme when i finish i could send it to you, ony the voice record ofcourse, so you can fit images btw did you see my Hocus Pet Pocus Video i made? here it is for you to see.. hope you like it
  10. yes that is what im talking about, its really simple to make it.. right know im actually working on a demo sample for Lea to see so she can get the idea of how could it be.. i would love to see your youtube video so we can get some ideas on how to do the podcast
  11. i totally agree with that... but really bothers me is that they dont say anything, and we are all here trying to figure it out by ourselves.... but its a nice way to makes new friends
  12. hahahaahahahaah i didnt noticed they change it till yesterday it was on top pf the sreen
  13. i agree mamashishi.... and they should surely test every feature first for no bugs or anything like that.. coz its really frustrating when things like this happen
  14. i wish i was wrong BTW my quote botton isnt working, i can write anything unless its on the quic reply section
  15. Beta testers? what do you mean by that.... i think it more like hackers
  16. I whent to Tiddly's yesterday say the butterfaly and couldnt resist.. so i whent to the cash shop and go one for myself they are so pretty, but to expensive
  17. i did what tweet suggested. only accept one of the gifts from a duplicate friend, open PS an the i go the gift and then i whent back to my notifications and accpeted the other gift from my duplicate friend and go it also... so if you want to get all your free gifts i think that is what you have to do. accept a little number of gifts at a time and make sure you dont acept twice from the same friend. the go back and do the same thing
  18. Tromo3... a Podcast its a like a radio show, that it has been recorded and you can listen to eat any time you want. i recomend you to go on Itunes store and look out all the freee podcasts so you can get an idea. Tiddly... you have the idea... its just waht you said Lea.. im doing some research my self too, and getting some ideas of how we can do it.. i'll let you know if i find anything that could help us
  19. i was thinking about that.. all i have though is bubble chairs that are 99.. my friend is helping me be a storage for them right now. wow you impressme.. that is alot of 4999's.. are you gonna sell the all before the go back o half price? i wanna buy everything i want in trades and then sell them. i had like 200 chairs actually but half of them got sold since i passed the limit yes i hate when that happens.. that is why i opened a spare count to storage all my extras, besides it works better when you have a few items... no langgin
  20. i was thinking about that.. all i have though is bubble chairs that are 99.. my friend is helping me be a storage for them right now. wow you impressme.. that is alot of 4999's.. are you gonna sell the all before the go back o half price?
  21. Riuna you can alaways open a spare acc, to storage all you duplicate item
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