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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. SashaGirl wrote:
    How much would you like for the pet laurel wreath? I lent mine to my husband when he started to play and he uses it, so I can't ask for it back. I'd like to have one though.


    *sorry..massive headache, be back on later.

    I will send you a f/r, along with a note mentioning the pet laurel wreath.

    Edit: I wasn't able to send you a note, but did send f/r.

  2. How much would you like for the pet laurel wreath? I lent mine to my husband when he started to play and he uses it, so I can't ask for it back. I'd like to have one though.

  3. Wonderful picture, Lazar! The way you've blurred the background to highlight the spider is very professional. You should enter it in some sort of competition.

    (By the way, I am terrified of spiders! Just had to get that in).
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