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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    I am so turned off by the new stuff. I am not into this Halloween stuff this year. It's getting too gross for my tastes. I know a lot of people like Halloween, but where is the fun of the holiday. I am totally turned off by it turning gory. Sad

    I agree. I won't be buying anything this coming week. I realize we all have our own tastes, but they didn't go with anything cute this year. What happened to the cute, wholesome costumes and Halloween items? Why was everything so bloody and gory and scary? Ugh! I've never been into the horror films, and I feel like that's the direction PS went this time. I would have enjoyed other types of items.

  2. That is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you both! I know how difficult those long time of unemployment can be. What will Mike be teaching?

    Build a Bear would be a great place for you to work, Yvette! I'll be waiting to hear how that goes. Also sounds like you are making great progress on your book. One step at a time.

  3. Tiddly Winks wrote:
    I'm going with 'Xavier' to his cousin's place to celebrate. They have a a neighborhood block party of sorts, and it's fun. Like being in the movies. Smile I'm going to wear my Cat Bus hat that Kokonee made for me, and try and accesorize my clothing with that.

    A cat bus hat? That sounds interesting!

  4. I don't have any special plans. Just a relaxing evening. We sometimes make a "dinner in a pumpkin" that is kind of fun. Also used to have a recipe for ice cream and pumpkin that I might try to find. Haven't seen it for awhile, so it may have gotten lost.

  5. I need to make more of an effort to show up and post. Now that I've adjusted to my new schedule, I should be able to stay awake long enough to check in. I teach reading to 1st graders, and it's constantly talking and getting up and down. My legs and hips actually ached for a couple of weeks! Love the job and love the kids though.

  6. It does seem very quiet. I'm not very talkative on the forum anyway, but have been less than usual the past few weeks. Partly because the loading issues have been frustrating. But mostly because real life has stepped in and caused me to be busy. I'm hoping to get back to normal soon.

  7. I was gifted the cyber punk plushie just now. Thanks, Yvette/Tiddly! (Adding rep point for you, sweet lady).

    I haven't been able to play much lately and haven't had much luck with the mystery boxes. I would like to buy the Cyber punk plushie and Birthday girl plushie. Please let me know what you'd like for them. Thanks!

    (Edited to say I just found a birthday girl).

  8. I've gotten bored with the game, too. I would play more often, but it's pretty much impossible to visit and clean pets with the loading issues. I really don't want to quit as I've put so much time into the game, plus all the great friends I've made, but find myself playing less and less all the time.

    There must be so many great themes! Like people have mentioned - other countries around the world and different holidays. The rerun themes are frustrating.
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