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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. Ursula, are you feeling any better? It does seem like some years people get sicker than others, and it just isn't right to be dealing with the flu this time of year!

    Yvette, how is your husband feeling?

    I survived the last day of school - and it was definitely a survival this year! The kids were all so excited and wound up. Wow! To have that much energy!

  2. Yvette, I hope that you find the kitty to be compatible! I miss being able to have kitties, but our daughter-in-law is deathly allergic to them.

    My day is starting to wind down. Only one more day with students, then 2 days to close up classsrooms and I'm done. Since my position was eliminated (budget cuts), I will be officially unemployed after Thursday.

  3. What fun to write a fantasy novel! Have a wonderful summer!

    We still have 4 more days, then school is out for the summer! I don't have any big plans for traveling, but both of my married kids and their families will be visiting this summer/fall, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them!

  4. 1x5999 sounds good to me. I'm definitely still interested! They aren't in the shops, and it doesn't look like they will be offered there. I think they're a one-time item.

    I just sent you a f/r. I'll be leaving for work in about 1.5 hours. Will catch you after I get back if not before. Thanks so much!

  5. I really have no idea what to offer for it. If you're willing to sell, let me know what you would accept. But it sounds like you would rather keep yours. I don't like most of the walls either - but do like this one.

  6. I'm looking for the Shire home wall for the outside of the pets' houses. My husband wants to decorate the outside of his house with the free Shire items. He's clicked on both items so far, but didn't get the wall for some reason. I suppose it's floating around in cyberspace somewhere.

    Does anyone have one that they don't want? I have no idea what it would be worth - please let me know what you'd like for it. Thanks!

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