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Perfect Pairs

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All you have to do is choose 2 co-ordinates (ie 1a, 4c) and once the pictures under the grid are revealed, if you have found a pair, you win ....easy

Normal PSFC rules apply
1. You need 20 posts or more to play and must have no current warnings
2. One entry per member only.
3. Entries close at 11:59pm Monday 20th June

Elfinshadow: 2E, 3E
Sashagirl: 4B, 4C

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Hi im back...a lot of new stuff on the forum! what did i miss??? xD

Wow, this is such a pretty picture!! I want Belle's face...lol...is that okay, Lea???
thanks for the lovely comp. btw xD

umm...2E, 3E did i do it right?

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yes hun you got it right lol

Good luck!!

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May I have 4B and 4C? What a cute picture - I love that movie! Thanks!

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I will pick :
1E & 3C


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