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Posts posted by SashaGirl

  1. Thanks, everyone! What a surprise to see this thread just now!

    I wasn't online much yesterday. My son's computer crashed, so we were "sharing". Also talked to both my long-distance kids. A lovely way to spend the afternoon!

  2. Has anyone had problems buying the new devil cat plushie? I've tried 4 times and just get kicked out of the game. I haven't lost any coins, but am not happy about not being able to get the cat, especially since it's a limited edition item and I love cats! Am wondering if it's just me.

  3. Sounds like everyone is busy today. I'm being lazy and enjoying it! I so seldom get any "down time". Will do some laundry and clean up around the house a bit, but that's about it.

    Am starting to redecorate Sasha's house, and that will be a challenge in itself.

    Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!

  4. This brings back so many memories! Even as a grandma of 2 with another on the way, I still remember my older friend telling me that the small, fluttery feelings in my tummy were my first baby moving. I could even tell you where we were and what we were doing at the time. Such a thrill to a mommy's heart to know that's your child!

    And for the record, you don't stop worrying even once they are grown! But having kids is truly the best thing I've ever done. The most rewarding - and the most difficult - job possible, I think.

  5. My daughter would like a set of the new bunnies from the machine. Neither she nor I want the machine, and she doesn't have any friends who bought it. I have gotten all the bunnies except one. I don't want to keep trying and end up with a chestful of bunnies.

    She is now missing the gumdrop bunny. I have extras of the pickle bunny and the sugarsweet bunny. Is anyone interested in trading?
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