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Everything posted by Chelsbaybe

  1. Instead of it being ginormous it reminds me of my pet being small. Like a little mouse house. So cute!
  2. If anyone wants a cruise add me on facebook! I need safari and arabian. I have 2 extrea cruises.
  3. I have fished and fished for a mermaid plushie. Please complete my collection by swapping me for a mermaid dress :-)
  4. I am sorry...new to this. How do you use your paw pounds?
  5. Too bad the magnets cost pf cash!
  6. I would love pink hair dye and was disappointed when their wasn't any! They have pink petling dye...why not hair?
  7. The only bad thing about these boxes is you cant use the trick...and it kinda makes me sad to see my pet getting a Pie in the face, poor girl!
  8. Wow I have 4 pages of stuff and it is mostly easter eggs from hideeni! I can't imaGine what 97 pages would be like! HAHA
  9. Well I certainly don't get much eggs from my trees maybe one every few days and I have 3 of them!!! I meant Hideeni's eggs
  10. I didn't like the april fools 3d! Thats what probably cause the eggs and posts not to work!
  11. So excited Pet Society fixed it's glitches and that eggs are up and running again! How is everyone doing?
  12. Thank you, I just can't seem to find the mosaic one! How do you trade any item?
  13. So I am new here and was wondering how you guys trade? I am desperately looking for a mosaic egg?
  14. Hi everyone, Thought I would pop in and say hi. New to this site. Not really sure how things work. I was wondering if any of you could help me find a mosaic egg!? Add me and Visit MY pet named Sonny. :-)
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