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Everything posted by shakz7

  1. Wow... got TH Taladega.. Congrats.. hard works pay off laa... CKH - I offer 15 burung biru for your regular Chevroloter can??....
  2. Hassan - nuthing can come close to yr dragbus collection laa dude...
  3. RG & Hassan - Wuit aku pakai lingerie ape barang send MMS kat korang hahaha Hood - dont worry bro slowly but surely yrs.... Xeifu - show us yr haul bro.... Matchboxclub - I guess more ppl has score but never show danielh - you also power hauler.. sure will stumble across this soon
  4. arrt - thx bro... next on the line.. you know what hahah... blisskertz - yapz memang berjaya...berjaya menghabis kan duit ...
  5. renji - yapz still hunting for ecto1 adrian - thx dude speeddemonz - thx gonggok - im sure you will score soon... netmatrix - wah dont laa till that point... blisskerz - boleh if there is any extra the one up there booked..sorry CKH - Im still looking for what you have score.... thx bro
  6. nice itu loose $uper all kasi passing pasal ko kan tak collect loose...
  7. This is a new display casing... according to my fiancee , she has a acrylic cover which is attachable via a clip on the front...
  8. Atomkinder - No need jealous laa.... sooner or later sure you will find it berlambak... Now im still looking for ECTO1.......... jealous tgk the MMS....
  9. Still long way to go dude.... if you come across anything with the hotwheels tampo... please do let me know....thx Cheers!
  10. Uiks biler laks aku senyap.... still looking for more at the same time looking for friends also laa bro.....
  11. shakz7

    Short haul

    Elgee thanks for hauling the short card.. keep on scoring them mate .. we will once you have all 12 hunts on S/C then we trade.. Cheers!
  12. danielh - can for now you have to fly over to Miri laa... RG - Still long way to go on this Tampo/ Team or Series bro Jhc - My collection is still long long way to go bro... now i know another collector who collects the same Tampo / Team... maybe we can share2 info... CKH - Please book tix for 3 of us to Swak then can raid....
  13. Everyone is on the 7e Promo Craze currently.... This is what ive manage to score so far.. Enjoy.... Sorry Pic quality bad due to Mobile Phone Camera.... Still looking for the Chevroleter..... Cheers!
  14. Nice massive haul bro.... I want i Want...... ceveralator........ High And Low Hunting still yet to find....
  15. danielh - can for now you have to fly over to Miri laa... RG - Still long way to go on this Tampo/ Team or Series bro Jhc - My collection is still long long way to go bro... now i know another collector who collects the same Tampo / Team... maybe we can share2 info... CKH - Please book tix for 3 of us to Swak then can raid....
  16. nice haul $uper again.....
  17. Hi Guys... My Small garage oh HotWheels Racing Team / Tempo ..... This set up was done by my the other 1/2 and im impressed .... No wonder alwayz take my loose cars back to East Malaysia.... Enjoy.... I my self also can only enjoy the picture now..... Thanks for looking and if any of you guys have Spare or Extra Hot Wheels Racing Team / Tempo cars do drop me a PM.. coz im sure there is loads more to go... Cheers!
  18. furai alot in Makhota Cheras ,Sg long AREA
  19. Nice haul.... 7 e promo 3 waves out... Olds , Chevroleter and Torino....
  20. Bro maybe you can buy 1 of those im looking for then trade it with me laa...
  21. Once its spamed in my thread then it belongs to me.... Only me Muhahahahh...... my precious
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