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Everything posted by shakz7

  1. heheh it looks like short card when in the doom box... Boss loose is the best thing...
  2. Zint - Thanx... have to rape it since card bad bad... raped with a help of another professional rapist....
  3. shakz7

    ei8ht's Garage

    Boss.. fantastic $uper collection..... its sweeeeeeettttttttt in loose form....
  4. shakz7

    My February Haul

    Congrats.. see more of this $uper emerging in the year of TIGER..........
  5. Congrats.. see more of this $uper emerging in the year of TIGER.......... King is Back...
  6. Wah Liaw.......... 2 super Torino lagi.......... phewwwwwww faint laa like this to get 1 also so hard........... then got it bad card ..... PY wanna trade.........
  7. Packard Super is in wanted list heheheh.........
  8. I have Carded..... You want........ Heheheh.....
  9. Bro its in my Treasure Box already.... Sealed...cannot touch coz i realize the tampo easily comes of if you hold it to long... my goodyear tempo on the body already missing abit already... Sorry Guys wish can bring it to show.. but since its the 1 and only pc dont wanna take the risk...
  10. shakz7

    Aussie Buy

    uiks fury super and reg still hangging there after so long.......... demmmmmmmm Sinclair your year of tiger really start with a BANG .........
  11. Raymond... My a110 is running on Win Xp Tiny... been using it for almost 1 year no issues or hiccups..... Exact same Spec as yours... just you will have a bit of difficulty finding for drivers.... But you can alwayz refer to this site http://www.aspireoneuser.com/forum/ Very helpful and you can get most of the drivers etc from the links there, also step by step tutorial of installation and Tweaking to make it run smooth.. Good luck...
  12. Sinclair... finally i Join your Dark side.... turning Rappist........
  13. Congrats Nick..... WOhoooooo Greatest Score so far..... Hope Everything is going great.... Your boy will grow up to be a great Collector just like Daddy... Cheers! Shakz
  14. Wah Almost every1 has completed their 09 $uper n Regulat Hunt.... Congratsssssssss Artt................ Nice Collection... salute the Thunt King ........ CKH wah diam2 sudah complete your regular... way to go bro.... Zint - Its a journey bro not Race..... Year Of Tiger Ive decided to be a rapist.... So please do enjoy the pics of my 1st ever rape victim for the Year Of TIGER.... Since the Card was creased and I decided to go ahead and rape.... even tho this is the only1 but cannot tahan to see the crease on the card... Spoiler: Spoiler: Spoiler: Spoiler:
  15. Nice haul there elgee.... Come back soon dude.... your expertise is highly needed heheh... will catch up b4 you leave.
  16. GTO GTO GTO GTO... i want it.... deymmmm nice car with nice rims saw it loose here and GOSH in love with it..... Nice haul sinclair...... BTW how much do they retail there?
  17. WTF he is this dude singing... Nice ride and babe... pity her sure been abused hahah... know our mr Romeo here...
  18. Hurm this is very subjective... If you guys claim we need to wait 2 months... then you can alwayz kiss bye2 to yr $$$$ if you purchase from ebay, coz paypal term says claims must be submitted by 45 days from time of payment... I have 1 scenario where package sent in November from Colorado USA, till early January never arrive so have to log case to pay pal, etc I got my Claim back from paypal. Finally early last week the item arrive after almost 2 1/2 Months with Customs Chop of Philippines, Indonesia , Spore and finally Malaysia. Most like this was due to wrong assortment during the shipping process. Finally Im happy received my item have to inform the seller item received and request him to resend the paypal invoice. End of the day seller and buyer both happy, where initially both was not happy coz seller lost money buyer never receive item. So there is loads of possibility when purchasing online, my advice is alwayz protect your self 1st incase item is not received in x days please go and report to paypal, of course we wanna have a good repo with seller but end of the day please do also consider to protect yr own Interest. If its a trade item then a whole diff story laa right...
  19. Nice... just bought my Batboat, 66 TV Batmobile and batwing after checking out this pic..
  20. Hahaha thats y Rayz alwayz wanna be at sales table area with UCB... GENTS nearby soeasy to check out every time wanted.....
  21. I guess its exclusively released by TRU 1st then only might be on sale at other location... Nice... grab a few while the box condition was Minty Mint...
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