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Everything posted by shakz7

  1. Happy bday bro.... have a blast and enjoy your last bday as a single dude...
  2. shakz7

    ei8ht's Garage

    Wow.... the poison is unleashed by the MINI King... i dont have those short cards...... I want.. I want.......
  3. Hokuan... as agreed you can ship the BS out to me in the next shipment....
  4. I want .. i want Blue Mini long and short card also white mini plz....
  5. WOW....... suck a lovely friend you have there.........
  6. No laa bro... just start to collect DD baliks... What meleleh bro....
  7. thx please unleash your hauls bro.... Every1's haul is special in its very individual way bro...
  8. weit.. din nie halal okay... susah payah cariks $$ utk buy...
  9. Yeah indeed have to agreed with y guys.. Mooneyes DD is really a stunner............. Rafi u dont have the blue Holidays DD but i only have the Blue for now... still need 3 other colors.........
  10. The white mooneyes are awesome coz its pearl white paint........ never know its pearl white till got it in hand...
  11. Raya New Haul update....17th Nov 2010 New Addition to the Dairy Family Moon Eyes DD Mother's Wax DD World On Wheels DD Scary DD Big Lou's... I know its a common DD but just manage to score mine carded Holiday Rod Blue... still looking for the rest of 3 ...Any help? Mystery 55 Panel.. another for the family 2005 Mail In Mystery Set
  12. Nice haul.... I want green evo and white evo..........
  13. shakz7

    Non green hauls

    Did yaa buy this? Its RM 5.90.........
  14. Congrats dude... super haul... trade PM on its way........
  15. Great selection of casting there ... Im sure slowly but surely you will complete them.... Should consider to start on your 55 Chevy panel .....
  16. Thanks bro Sure not an issue bro just PM me your wish list... Suka tgk hang pengsan...jerit...bengang... really makes my day...
  17. shakz7

    Blown away

    Sharing My Own Blown Baby... Still In carded... not yet go Hard Core As Mr Boneshaker...
  18. shakz7

    T-hunt Shop

    tu Chinese character tu also edit laa...
  19. [quote="enyomic"] You sure this is your email address....... Why cannot haa? the title belongs to you ist? got TM or Patented kaaa?????
  20. If this is Ciput... wonder how mega haul gonna be .... dammm... Saluteeeee
  21. Please drop me an email to at Shakz7@theuntouchable.com Cheers!
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