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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Yeah i already post earlier if the guy knows he's the one, then best he come forward and try to settle. And netmatrix did, so already leave it to you guys didn't comment further about that. But since pydrummer brought out the HWCM rules regarding FFK, the rest whatever i wrote after that i was quoting pydrummer's post explain forum guideline in general. Hope you don't get confused as in we discussing further the problem you had. FFK is still FFK, never said can turn the other way round. All the best to both of you. We're moving on.
  2. Yeah i know background isn't supposed to be part of the game rules lol.. Anyway, black?
  3. All fail except fsrlism, good observation! Rubber? what rubber?
  4. Since we're on this FFK issue, thought i could shed some light for y'all. Still not short post, but i'll do it slightly different than your beloved UcB essays. - Fong Fei Kei (FFK) means not honoring the deal after asking reservation for some time, without any explanation. - FFK is just not right, no two ways about it. - No 'hard rules' don't mean HWCM don't take this seriously. - It's just that our official stand is always to encourage playaz to resolve it privately, first. - If that don't work (the other side simply ignores it), then it's alright for member to voice it out here, you can name the person if necessary. - And we'll do our best to monitor the argument. - 'Bad trader alert' is a good idea, but since our board doesn't have 'sticky' function, likely the thread will get buried deep down. - So everytime it happens members are welcomed the create own thread (in appropriate section), or post in 'Rant' thread. - Remember, the whole point of voicing out is to a) resolve the issue b) guide others so they don't get cheated too. - Of course if the post sounds angry and frustrated it should stay, to us there's nothing wrong with that. - However the team can easily tell within seconds what do you actually try to achieve by posting headlines like "STAY AWAY FROM ___, EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS WHO HE IS" - So you guys already know why some of these threads just don't last, but sometimes we do keep them for entertainment purpose. - I can tell, any 'hard rules' implemented by HWCM will only make things uglier. - Especially when the accuser is closer to us, worse if he belongs to HWCM team. - Believe me it will just turn into another club conspiracy thread. - And we may not even figure out who's at fault in this. - Instead, communication works most of the time. There's always two sides of stories as they say. - In worst case nothing could be reached, members following it already take note what transpired and be the judge themselves, that's all that matters. - But of course, the 'ban' button is still our last option if the person nothing short of troublemaker in the forum. - We can't deny, if this dude is my buddy i see every Friday gath chances are most of us feel him more than those we have no idea who. - But HWCM members have grown enough to be part of the family as fellow collector first, and whatever type of collector you are second. - I am proud to say HWCM is where it is today because we open up ourselves. - Likely we have to face things like this along the way, but keep in mind it's the issue that need to be dealt with, not that we have things against you or your gang. - I hope the HWCM spirit lives on.
  5. Err don't you mean this instead jkjk What i mean is pydrummer shows up = rayz sex change = not likely to happen. Yeah we know for fact Rayz get sexually aroused especially when surrounded by male playaz, but i think he turning to Miss Rayz is probably last thing we'll ever see. But if it happens then py, you better SHOW UP!
  6. Ah so it's net. Already expect outcome wouldn't be as bad as i thought, me dunno what's exactly going on but at least you came forward to offer an explanation to him, so still got room for you guys to work out something. From what i see it's not solely on FFK part, but the impression he gets that person implied being in denial, but i do have feeling that's not the case. So good to see you came forward, leave it to you both to settle the matter privately (or openly if you want). Btw definitely pydrummer not who AK meant. Cause chances of pydrummer shows up in gath, or we have an idea what he's up to let alone his personal trades is like seeing Rayz undergo sex change.
  7. Oh this the ambulance you mentioned earlier.. nice one MuscleManis!
  8. I know how you feel. Really feel ya. But i still say get to him directly.. even if sure won't resolve make it very clear to him you're pissed. Seeking to settle the issue openly is fine, in that case name the dude if you want. But bashing (to kill off someone) on forum is always not pretty, especially concerning he's other member in same forum, even if we're clearly on the right side. I'm already suffering from fatigue taking care of HWCM whenever forum become panas especially when some talked nonsense about HWCM in the past. I've learned that while sometimes i had to come out with trademarked essays to get into some people's head, most of the time they serve nothing to those involved (just like you said, they'll just create another BS instead). So if that's the point (wanting to teach him a lesson) then just don't waste your time. Ultimately when person already have such reputation people will talk bout it outside so you don't really need to do much here. On the other hand if the person already sense others are unhappy what you did best is to come out first and explain yourself before you get name called instead.
  9. Nice, but i think it should be loose as TS suggested.
  10. I just realized mine is pink too, Sinclair since you mentioned 'slight pink' i think yours is pink version too cause it's either that or no hint of pink at all.
  11. Good question, the opened Sam & Twitch is actually right there if ya can spot it, just that from angle i took the fat dude was hidden by the three black dudes. It's just that the carded one is actually the Walmart version where he's biting toothpicks instead of smoking cigarettes. I did similar setup for Halloween and Santa Spawn where the carded Walmart version (masked) placed next to opened original unmasked ones. Even with McF UcB is sucker for variants lol. Ironically on that same section you saw are 3 Collector's Club figure (Todd Mcfarlane, Terry Fitzgerald and Wanda) that rightfully should stay carded but i said heck they deserve to be displayed that way. Haha my haul thread has become "get to know UcB's Spawnies". Guess i'll end my Spawn stories here.
  12. I never sold my soul to Hot Toys like what happened to most of the infamous M'sian Spawn board spam kakis. Ini McF baru teaser, wait til i have mood again to take more pics of my 'Spawn side'.
  13. Thanks. Wish have better camera with me to fully capture the green armies lineup (that pic didn't reveal much), plus some cars that really can't wait to place there, but unable to do so until i get the 2nd piece to slaughter (e.g that VW Pickup i just hauled) Spesel untuk netmatrix.
  14. As the story goes, UcB made his return to the infamous HWCM weekly gath last nite, and he sure doesn't get disappointed. Firstly, our homie Sinclair shows us why he's a certified playa by sending RAOK to UcB with this awesome batmobile that actually has different finish than the original one (i'm guessing this was from Monster Duo pack).. Then upon first ever meet with Cham, he instantly proves himself to be a playa too by having the 5 pack with my ever wanted green Roll Cage on sale. Not wanting to be left out, Mushroom intervened and hauled that thang then breaking up the set, allowing UcB to get this baby individually, thus solidifying his position as the real playa as always.. And Rayz came out with another surprise as well with above green VW. But he ain't a playa cause that thang wasn't offered to me first haha. And so the next playa title goes to MasalamMania for passing up on this. And when i thought the phatness ends here, UcB finally got his first CS Tumbler from none other than the legendary playa Mr. 'C', another force to be reckoned with.. ..Though it was Rayz who actually pointed out to me that Tumbler in Mr. C's hand, he's still ain't a playa simply because.. he's Rayz. Maybe above haul don't mean much for y'all, but for UcB they sure does mean something.. Spoiler: Sekian, terima kasih.
  15. Me mooneyes takda, t-hunt with eyes adalah hahahah.. Spoiler: Spoiler:
  16. I just love it when cars with same theme grouped together. Awesome collection!
  17. FYI Demonicle aka Mr. Admin aka The Joker is currently on 'self ban' status after losing to his arch nemesis during our last raceday event (refer to HWCM Raceday thread). So in the meantime this forum layout was his 'gift' to us no choice but to live with it lol. And btw welcome to the board dude! Many of us does trades with Canadian collectors as well!
  18. 1:30 "They're called..." "You mean Banshees?" "Oh yes Banshees!" AHHHHH.. HAH HAHHH KAH KAH KAH.. tak boleh tahan! HAHHAHHA.. This clip made my day.
  19. Tempat-tempat keras ni memang elok humban Hassan kat situ, pasal dia pun sama 'keras'.
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