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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Ini bukan tahap terkentut, boleh terkucil tengok ni.
  2. Err i think you're referring to the other thread..
  3. Street Figter X Tekken. Official trailer.. Gameplay preview..
  4. It's due to presence of spirits in your room.
  5. (For those who haven't watch this..) Ever wondered what happen when you mix raw pork with diet pepsi?
  6. I think many of us have similar prob.. Super ada regular pulak tercari-cari lol.
  7. If it's those Malay ghost they call 'Pochong' i'll just unwrap the damn thing strip him naked. Btw to me scariest thing ever not when they decided to show up in front of me or what, but if one day i walk alone in the dark nobody around then suddenly hears nursery rhymes playing, that would be scary as hell.
  8. Sinclair is there any way you can find this over there? I've been dying to find this.. need two of it.
  9. Aihh.. finally that 4 + 1$ greenies get 'released' on pegs. It's not restock bro, 4 cases worth just not possible to refill mere days after opening, especially when there's already equivalent number of cases (and for some reason 'missing' something) on display. Already got an idea what's up the day i was there itself (if ya guys read between the lines what i posted earlier), but like Musclemaniam said it's one funny HW world, you'll never know the outcome. That's why me rather not to melatah this kinda thing, so all the playaz remember don't get carried away with 'inconvenient truths' and whatnot, just be positive and keep hunting and right time right place you sure gonna be lucky! Btw mushroom congrats on the superb haul!
  10. Awesome trader, the true Hotwheels playa! But don't believe his claim to be 'untouchable'. He loves it when people touch him. *runs*
  11. I owe you one cupcake (kek cawan).
  12. Awesome collection there my homie joshua! Btw do share with playaz here themes you're personally more into it (muscle, concept cars or what cause me see you got a bit of everything). I'm sure members here would try to help add even more goodies in your collection, even better if they have cars in mind to offer ya.
  13. Aiyah how old is the burger isn't really point of the story, i myself have no idea how old the burger just made up that number, all we know coming from Giant food section don't expect it to be fresh as those roadside stall make when order ones. Totally forgotten you're fasting today in fasting month is already a fail, being Malay dude happily eating burgers openly in public somemore in the middle of huge crowd warming the newly opened store is definitely epic fail.
  14. The UcB Did It Again As the story goes.. thanks to our playa mushroom's pointer on forum last night, earlier this morning the undercover headed to this newly opened store somewhere not really that close to undercover's hideout (it seems UcB's past few haulages relies heavily on other playaz tips, is he losing his huntin' mojo or what). And so he managed to defeat other playaz (just to make this story sounds cool cause there's no 'other playaz' at first place, but managed to bump with playa Wrestlemania and abang beruang later on) and satisfy himself with few regs and completion of Race World team. Well maybe not that satisfied cause yeah, of course UcB is aware 'the real thing' is no longer there, yeah i have the idea what went through before gate opens but no worries it wasn't really a big deal that we need to playa hate, 'warn' Mattel, contemplating retirement and all (just because i'm not the one scoring that Super). But anyway, that's not the point of this story.. As UcB walked out of cashier place he immediately saw huge pile of.. yeah Giant's RM1.29 Ramly burgers. Made 2 days ago or what, you can't go wrong with Ramly burger. So without further ado, 2 chicken burger, nearby bench and burger feast in the middle of the store, while speaking to Rayz on the phone! (for those who didn't know you score Treasure Hunts in Malaysia at Rayz's mercy, you are bound to report your progress to the Hotwheels grand taiko, and if he or Demonicle unaware what you're up to that is tantamount to treachery against the great HWCM club, newbies take note). Congratulations UcB, you just made the shopping crowd shakehead watching you eat during another episode of your hunting, again. p/s - just playin' with ya on that Rayz part, please dont send another letter to Mattel reporting shady dealings behind that Hotwheels Friday gang members and whatnot.
  15. Okay if what playa Fadli written is exactly what ur trying to figure out, then here it goes.. We go step by step from beginning. 1) Select 'Type' tool from the left toolbar, then write your number, don't bother font size and all. Let's say we use number 9 in this case. 2) Highlight that number 9, go to 'Type' menu above (beside the File, Edit etc..), choose 'Create Outlines'. Alternatively just press Shift+Control+O. 3) Now that number 9 is no longer text but an object, you may resize it however big you want. 4) Now bear in mind that number is not 'independent' paths yet but more or less newly converted set of paths. 5) So first thing you gotta do is right click on the object, 'Ungroup'. Right click again, 'Release Compound Path'. Alternatively you can find this two by going to 'Object' menu above like Type just now. 6) Now you're ready to 'type around number' like what Fadli guessed, highlight 'Type' tool again, but choose 'Type On Path' tool instead from the drop down list. Highlight that number 9 outline.. happy typing.
  16. Quite don't understand problem ur facing, can describe bit more clearer? What you mean by 'type around a number'?
  17. p/s - must watch movie..
  18. One thing i'm sure of i'll never see another goal like Hernandez did in my lifetime. ROFL'ed hard moment i saw it.
  19. Masalahnya as many pointers i'd like to turn it to another UcB essay, bila tengok avatar hassan je everything disperse just like that.
  20. Best Sega game ever. Only game i can finish within 20mins. Still play on these days using emulator.
  21. Err, actually rm12k divided by a thousand piece of cars equivalent to rm12 each is still 'alrite' i guess, considering dated back from '98 and with hunts and all (that's according to him). I mean it could sound pricey but probably it wouldn't sound that bad if only he had them in separate lots, which what he should do at first place, have less wanted cars at clearance price and mark up the rare ones, got better chance to sell.
  22. Prob is admin still on self imposed ban so let's blame hassan for it. Anyway just drop him a pm, if he's around he should be able to let you know.
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