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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. This is classic Samy Vellu joke, only ngam when Samy Vellu name included..
  2. Don't forget, the blimp comes with rubber tyre. Of course not blimp lah, read clearly, blimp with rubber tyre! Oops already spilled the casting
  3. Eh, chill guys.. too off topic edi, nanti we spam again bout the spawnie. Sorry thread starter for hijacking this thread lol. ..and btw just a quick note, netmatrix it's sold packed with random issue of spawn comic together, don't think this spawn mobile is comic con exclusive, used to be available in online spawn store as well. And to be very honest this car ain't worth anything u may want to check 'em over in ebay, only mine is slightly more precious due to autograph thingy.
  4. Ah exotic or not it means u didn't really put full stop on hw, welcome back. No worries just get whatever you like even it's one piece per year, ur still a playa.
  5. Off topic.. just to lansi my spawn mobile signed by the man Todd Mcfarlane.
  6. Hepi B'day! *sends pydrummer additional karma for his t-hunts streak*
  7. ..both sides of window will do the trick when both sides of car has different look.
  8. If hw i think we use Blimps with it's more rounded design would be less harmful, same time we could help Mattel clear the Blimps out there so they can restock faster.
  9. GTR if im not mistaken is in Neet Streeter wave, which still very very few out there. Still hoping they would send more Neet Streeter cases.
  10. ada kembar lah pulak... *cuba sedaya upaya menahan racun*
  11. reminds me of this old music video..
  12. Yah, that's right.. dude i just realized that too. Tunnelrat go find 'em
  13. please take some time to read previous posts bro. we have explained this thousands of times already. Chill dude, hehe. Adrian nope it's not contest, but for giveaway for early members who registered, Do check back earlier pages for details.
  14. This is what i i wrote earlier in our own discussion and basically everyone's cool with it.
  15. If you want i can let you have one, if ur there in gath and im there also la.
  16. Alrite here's another story i just remembered happened 2 years back (the golden era of undercover's treasure hunts reign), that period i could gamble hitting just anywhere without any pointers whatsoever, just relying on hunch. So i tried this place called South City Plaza near Mines that time, still worth it cause besides Giant below Parkson also was still there (and i actually scored few hunts there before). Well no luck that day both are still stuck with same stock since my last trip months earlier, damn exhausted that time so i grabbed two ice cream upon exiting Giant, sat somewhere and ate it like nobody's business. This Malay dude somewhere at the other side kept staring at me, i felt something's not right but screw it i just continue eating the ice creams and left. On my way back home, still trying to figure out what's up with the guy just now and.. dammit! it's bulan Ramadhan la and undercover with selambaness forgotten he too was fasting that day! Moral of the story - Not advised to go huntin' if malas bangun sahur. (btw puasa tak batal kalau tak sengaja lol)
  17. Artt ni dah kena B1N1. Bahaya tu, walaupun treatable (bukan menghapuskan tapi dengan cara 'merasuah' virus tersebut) kadangkala keberkesanannya kureng sikit.
  18. Tu lah 7E huntin' nasib ko agak kureng skit tapi pasal masa tu kau cuba sedaya upaya sampai ke ceruk mana tah undercover pun tak termampu nak sampai, takdir menemukan jugak ko dengan Super Bagger tu walau bukan di 7E.
  19. Never proven in race metal body only will ensure one can win. It's do with many other stuff like 'aerodynamic', centre of gravity, axle all that stuff. My only suggestion for next race, as to not make the result gone way too random maybe the release should be done manually to avoid many false starts we had. The pull down thingy is quite 'controversial' maybe we can place car slightly further and use any form gate placed front of the cars, you release that by hand the cars go down more freely. Anyway yeah i did get over it (losing to kids last race), thanks for asking.
  20. *send demonicle some karma* Consider this your 5th raok in a row.
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