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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. I wanna go have a look, pm me which Shah Alam 7e u found so that i can skip that one.
  2. And btw, this is a bit off topic.. but i think i need to address this. You see, we can't separate hotwheels and politics. And most of these dramas carries the big issues of 'the future of hotwheels' and whatnot, but most of the time is all started from stupid, personal issues that others have nothing to do with. Yes, we have bad trades, in the past. Not just you but that includes me and everyone else here. You have the option, whether to simply move on, or sort it out with the person involved. If you choose the latter this can be done privately, or if you think it's serious enough to be brought out openly then you're still welcomed to do so. Reason i mention this because some dude here are being 'targeted'. And for that another dude had to remove the concerned thread. Now let us just make this clear, no doubt people helping to run this forum are friends in real life. But treating this as a club, we don't meant to take such action simply because he's our buddy and he needs to be covered, or rather 'buat bodoh'. But there's always better way to rant it out. We have Dispute Thread for a reason. And for starter maybe introducing yourself and not writing in capital letters will do just fine. You say what you want, he get chance to defend himself, and we all see what both have to say. But if you threaten to 'post his pic on the net' (though his pic already on the net) and stuff i'm not sure who would end up looking foolish here. Haih macam mana nak 1Malaysia kalau macam ni.
  3. Net i truly understand your feelings on this, but trust me everyone here are just as depressed as you. You may think it otherwise, but when members post pics / stories here no one is telling "you guys don't work hard like us so don't complain". Your assessment is based on standing at one side observing everyone else, how they ransack cars on pegs, how they talk in forum etc. Isolation or tendency to stick to own camp could lead to "everyone else is predator" mentality. HWCM for one is not one of those camps. So if some of these bad collectors are part of this then so be it. Back to what i said, you'll never understand that we've seen worse. Our stores used to have like the most FE Chevy Panels and huge numbers of it disappeared right from the warehouse, not even end up in our ebay but US one. All this insider talks bout store employees, back then the 'corruption' goes up to sales reps (before change of distribution). Your luck truly depends on them. But then it's easy cause of very few collectors out there. You think we're not pissed? Of course we are. But we move on. And now collectors grow like mushroom (bukan hwcm member mushroom), and the best thing is everyone one still could score cause we work together, things like small update what it takes for everyone to join in the fun. But of course if there's 100 collectors on the hunt would you deny that there would be 1 or 2 rotten people out there? And then the argument goes, these 1 or 2 may not be rotten but they hoard so it's the same. Artificial shortage and stuff. Local hotwheels sales do you know how many thousands of cars we're talking about? Fellow playa here scored like 7 Super Packard all in totally random places yet many many others scored a few too. Even ucb found only one to date. So if you still see handful made it to ebay and flea market do you really think it's national threat to hotwheels world? At least good for them who can't find but willing to spend. And of course not denying the fact it could get worse and these market could take over, but signs aren't showing this. Simply cause there's still many positively minded collectors out there just keep trying to find themselves. While these real scorers kept themselves under radar, people who try to make a point like me takes the bullet. And then argument keeps going on.. you see that dude found 7 Super Packard, that's 7 of it. Hoarders. Then what? Are we gonna enforce everyone never to own more than one Super? What matters is how he find it, that's all. If by foul play, then yes do something, take video and stuff. Even if he took trouble take day off and whatnot i still don't mind kowtowing him cause he deserves it, unless he's being selfish, show for the sake of showing off then that's diff story. I don't care if you prefer SS15 gath, Amcorp gath, some anti-HWCM gath and stuff. If you hang around group of collectors i'm sure they would help each other out. This hobby is never one man show. As for the knife in the hand theory, i don't need to repeat same thing over and over again but let's just say we've lost count how many hunts or (insert name the car that bothers you) exchange hands at no petrol fees whatsoever since our gath started. Plus demonicle already pau everyone's knives cause joker likes playing with knives.
  4. Musclemania has a point, demonicle if u wish to fix another date still not late to do so.
  5. One thing you guys advised not to do is to tempt undercover do his own spring cleaning.. Spoiler:
  6. Merry xmas all my hwcm playaz! Should already be late to do by now, but in the future perhaps we all should play secret santa, yeah another form of ROAK!
  7. No need to inspire lah, won't help much anymore. Just put it this way, let us all hope this ecto belong to wave that's gonna be common out there, and not shortpacked. If it does, no one should have any prob (like Bluebird that's supposed to be sought after). If it doesn't, even hoarders won't be guaranteed to have any. I also have to resort seeking fellow playa's help for purple Night Burner cause i can't even spot the whole wave let alone tapau that model.
  8. ..On side note anyone who got extra mint fte batmobile to spare pls let undercover know. Managed to find one on peg, raped it cause it's near mint, get roaked by fellow playa (won't mention name anymore lol) that was supposed to be for my carded set, but for some reason i forgotten the first one already let loose so i end up having 2 loose batmobiles. Okay, go on.
  9. They say if people hate you so much they'll end up falling in love with you.
  10. Hypothetically speaking lah pydrummer! Just giving situation when no one else left to be blamed. As for your haulings pls don't stop posting 'em. Playaz need to get 'provoked' for them to step up (including me). And of course we know you don't buy multiples for the sake of buying multiples. So no prob with that.
  11. You're right. You have to kow tow these hoarders for their hard efforts and giving inspiring speeches in forum to get 'em at retail. We do this every Friday at SS15 where newbies have to line up in front of sifus and show their appreciation to us. The latest victim being some dude called i think his name is musclemania. Then we will have short segment of "why Hotwheels at increased price is still good" during the gath. I heard they gonna use upcoming dinner as their latest indoctrination camp. And btw Yoda is special case. You wanna his piece of hoardings at good price, he won't turn out at SS15. You gotta send ur kowtowing through postage first.
  12. You see Fadli, i think you got the idea wrong. Read between the lines, playaz who gave their views in this thread never write simply to justify their actions, as in "hoarding cases is all good" and whatnot. In fact just because demonicle gave his strong views this, it doesn't mean it matters that much to him as he himself isn't really someone who aim for greens, fyi guys, demonicle is not a serious t-hunt collector. What's been highlighted here merely based on what we've gone through, been there done that these playaz can certainly tell, that it's always a reality one should never think they could change it. Talking bout it doesn't really mean we are the one behind it. Let me just put it very clear, if ever Mattel somehow manage to collaborate with every single chain bringing Hotwheels to ensure nobody ever get to touch any car not on the pegs, then ME, as well as pydrummer and few dedicated hunters out there would be happiest collectors alive. Why, simple, cause we HUNT. 7E promo, we tried all 7e's we could (wait for promo to start? no big deal). Passes random shopping mall, drop by and check. Balik kampung, drop by and check. Now that would be the most ideal and 'healthy' scene of t-hunting if everyone practice the same, but you guys certainly know one thing for sure.. it won't happen. Let's picture this, Mattel succeeded to implement 'kehendak rakyat'. Would the prob ends? Answer is a big no. There always be way for certain people to beat the system. And let's for the sake of argument say this too isn't possible, meaning 'hardworking hunters' will now reign supreme in scoring Supers. Can you guess the outcome? Yes, store insider blaming now shifted to 'these collectors'! Pydrummer now is public enemy 1#. So it all comes down to same thing, as long as one side is in disadvantage, the politics goes on.. So in thread like this, few playaz here were sincere enough to give their take, some may admit they hoarded th before, gets help and whatnot. I rather read these post than people championing themselves (don't confuse with championing the issue) cause you'll never know the hypocrites out there. At least if i know where they normally hunt i can strategize my hunting better. As for me i don't rely heavily on insiders but like demonicle can't say i don't seek help at all. But for those experienced this enough they can already tell these means nothing much to them as stores employees are never permanent, diff shift within a week, diff dept within a year. And if you stick to the 2 things i mentioned previously, nothing is reserved for you. Just like this morning i received an sms from someone (his last update being half year ago), but nothing left by the time i reach there. And another thing i wish to point out is 'the other side of true collectors'. We're still young, energetic new collectors, feeling excited to hunt here and there and talk about it, but let's not forget the seasoned, very passionate and collect before we even know what the hell Hotwheels is. And their hunting days probably over due to other commitments, age and stuff. I have great respect for them, and i do know discussing bout it is alright, but talking so much bout what's 'right and wrong' in hunting may not be the best thing. As long as insider and greens thing doesn't go out of control everywhere i guess everything is all cool, for now.
  13. If you feel like hunting for more old goodies there's few 7E outlets i know keeping massive stock from '06 onwards. Thing is most 7E out there keep receiving new stocks promo by promo but for some unknown reason they only display 5-6 cars max on peg (they'll either say that's 7e instructions or 'banyak budak curi'), so the rest, still stuck inside storeroom. One place you can try is this particular outlet in Klang area called Pandamaran Jaya (not to be confused with many other 7e's within Pandamaran), lotsa old cars stuffed in one huge box (should be easy to request cause not in main storeroom, but inside that small room behind cashier), and last i went '08 reg Mustang was there too. Happy huntin'!
  14. If i remember correctly when i first met elgee me too introduced myself to him as some other dude, so no worries the joker too got pwned before.
  15. Revive this thread with favorite casting of mine.. (In hurry.. unable to find better camera and proper setup. Will re-upload next time)
  16. Undercover tries many many places. Which isn't surprising if i seem to be familiar dude in many stores out there, both guided (on other ppl's pointers) or just plain random hits, and i often communicate sembang alot with them too (but not to the point 'promoting club' or ever using club name to ask for greens lah hehe). So i should be easy target if certain playaz believe they 'know me very well'. Anyhow if you guys stick to these two i think should be sufficient.. i) never train ur homie to filter out the greens and, ii) never manipulate other playaz name in way of favoring urselves over them. Don't get confused this part if the staff just mentioned fellow playa who came there and you simply acknowledge knowing him too don't think there's any harm on that. Basically the point is, you can always try your best to be the first (after all that's what hunting is all about), but never ruin others chance too. Undercover could go on length talking about insiders, hoardings, calling the stores and stuff but let's just be realistic.. most fellow playaz here had in some time of their hunting life did that as well, though maybe not to certain extent. I just can't do things like picking up fellow forumer's name and scream scalper when me too probably have sold something slightly above retail before. So no way one need to be taught to follow certain hunting rules ('thou shall not buy more than 1 Fastback, thou shall not go more than 5 7E in one night'), but you guys definitely could figure out what's best for yourself and others too. So props to my homie Atomkinder for sharing with us this cause bigger picture this video exposes new playaz this is always reality of hunting scene, people can always champion themselves over others but reality is not about who's involved, it doesn't take 'us' to screw y'all, but this is always been happening out there.. things we already been dealing with all the time. You may want to step aside from hunting game and spend few ringgit more to have complete regs, or step up the game and take necessary action if the situation is out of control (like what Atom just did), or just keep it old school, hunt elsewhere as hard as you can. ..not to forget another important lesson from Atom, if somehow Undercover too made it to youtube one day, have to train myself not to talk LOUD!
  17. *faint* wakes up.. *faint again* sit down and take a deep breath.. *faint*
  18. Very clever. Implementing diversion tactic so that the kids themselves dont jump in the race itself.. and pau us, once again.
  19. I have question, Japanese Import <- Does Japanese made concept car counts?
  20. Technically yes for T-Hunt$, but for older rubber hunts (hmm.. DD) the record stay at rm2.99
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