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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. Hey i heard that you got few of fe (001) batmobile, do u still have them, for trade maybe?
  2. Reventon is sweet.. that Cloak i would prefer without that one kind tampo, minimal or no tampo at all will do the trick.
  3. Hehe... mine is slightly terbalik, often i either in a rush or too excited scoring some good stuff that the guy had to call me telling hey here's your change!
  4. The Insider Stories (some dialogue lines translated to english for convenient reading, and i will never reveal identities of any characters here so if somehow anyone involved reading this no worries hehe) #1 Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia Location - One of known hunting ground black spots Time - Months ago As i'm wandering around trying to 'sniff' the new stocks our beloved friend popped out.. "You want that?" "Urm.. yeah?" *goes to his secret stash and bring out a reg* "Thanks bang, but i already have that" "No prob" "Anyway just wondering if that's what i'm looking for.." "For you RMxx" "For me RMxx?" "Yeah cause we both Malay, normally that regular Chinese dude i charge RMXX.." #2 Mahligai Syahdu Location - A place for rich n' famous but completely useless when it comes to Hotwheels Time - Can't remember "You know that singer Hattan? (Malay artist, one of Akademi Fantasia critic last time) "Yah?" "He also came here that day looking for Hotwheels!" (what that dude claimed, dun ask me to verify) #3 Insider's Words of Wisdom Location - Somewhere far away.. Time - Evil Twin TH round Yet to capture Super Evil Twin so I gambled to hit somewhere very far from where i am, knowing other outlets of the same store have just received it. Upon reaching there no one was there but 2 cases seen lying on floor already opened but with all the cars inside, seems that they just placed the price tag on it. Grabbed the 2 regs inside but it's my hunting way that unless the store is known to have insider, normally i'll always seek permission to raid / acknowledge them i took the cars so i walked around looking for sumone and finally spotted one. The kakak got pretty pissed seeing i'm holding the hunts so i'm guessing even if she wasn't an insider they're reserved to someone regular there. I voluntarily pass back the 2 regs (already scored those btw) but she refused to take. "Don't worry kak! It's okay i don't really mind leaving this for others" "No no.. take it!" "Urmm..?" "No point you do good to other people, when you won't know other people will do the same to you.." More stories to come!
  5. There's nothing fishy, the 'insider' is not really an insider but one funny dude who set cars up that way, like 1-2 pcs per hook. Once upon a time number of Giants received like 20 Chrysler cases, really bad move, but still possible to clear though may take longer. But when i came across this Giant and see that dude stocking up i know this gonna take long, long time to finish, and i was right. Btw don't ask me how's the chryslers doing is there any supers or what cause i didn't hoard check them, i know that dude too not really bothered to take out the greens.
  6. I think would be fun to read different stories from playaz here when they were huntin'. Please note hunting i don't mean just huntin' for greens, whatever happened while you guys are at the store finding some hotwheels, from your encounter with insiders or another fellow collector, or just anything. Feel free to share! Anyway as one of those who hunts alot, me got many experiences to write too. But for now i'll just share one that happened recently, truly epic. As i walked inside Kelana Jaya Giant (just random hunt as that place is known to be dry of new stuff for like a year?) that Giant speaker starts playing something very familiar.. "Were no strangers to love You know the rules and so do i A full commitments what Im thinking of You wouldnt get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how Im feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you" WHAT!! DAMMIT undercoverbrother had successfully got RickRoll'd by Giant store! DAMN! 1 - 3 Spoiler: #1 Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia Location - One of known hunting ground black spots Time - Months ago As i'm wandering around trying to 'sniff' the new stocks our beloved friend popped out.. "You want that?" "Urm.. yeah?" *goes to his secret stash and bring out a reg* "Thanks bang, but i already have that" "No prob" "Anyway just wondering if that's what i'm looking for.." "For you RMxx" "For me RMxx?" "Yeah cause we both Malay, normally that regular Chinese dude i charge RMXX.." #2 Mahligai Syahdu Location - A place for rich n' famous but completely useless when it comes to Hotwheels Time - Can't remember "You know that singer Hattan? (Malay artist, one of Akademi Fantasia critic last time) "Yah?" "He also came here that day looking for Hotwheels!" (what that dude claimed, dun ask me to verify) #3 Insider's Words of Wisdom Location - Somewhere far away.. Time - Evil Twin TH round Yet to capture Super Evil Twin so I gambled to hit somewhere very far from where i am, knowing other outlets of the same store have just received it. Upon reaching there no one was there but 2 cases seen lying on floor already opened but with all the cars inside, seems that they just placed the price tag on it. Grabbed the 2 regs inside but it's my hunting way that unless the store is known to have insider, normally i'll always seek permission to raid / acknowledge them i took the cars so i walked around looking for sumone and finally spotted one. The kakak got pretty pissed seeing i'm holding the hunts so i'm guessing even if she wasn't an insider they're reserved to someone regular there. I voluntarily pass back the 2 regs (already scored those btw) but she refused to take. "Don't worry kak! It's okay i don't really mind leaving this for others" "No no.. take it!" "Urmm..?" "No point you do good to other people, when you won't know other people will do the same to you.." 4 - 6 Spoiler: #4 My fellow 'overseas' collector Location - Not relevant to story not worth mentioning Time - Same as above *done 'hoarding' the new stuff with aid from Bangla dude there* "Thanks!" "You hotwheels like? i this hotwheels collect!" "Wow really?" "You wait i come take my hotwheels!" *went to his secret stash* (wah this bangla must be up to something!) *returns with completely random cars blimps like that, including slaughtered ones* "These i like" "LOL!" #5 Bulan Ramadhan Bulan Yang Mulia Location - One of mistakenly known hunting ground black spots? Time - Some time after buka puasa A store that disappoints me most of the time (though people been saying that 'wearing cap dude' must have been 'in control' in this territory). So as always, undercover just sit alone there with his 'sad' face for missing the greenies, when the usual not so friendly kakak passes by.. "..." "Urmm.. Anymore new stock?" (anticipating the same usual answer) "All display already" (not so good mood face as always) *Continues sitting there staring at floor, ceiling, random bootlegs..* *She went away and moments later returns to show me something in her hand* "Whoaa! SUPER Enzo! Can i take?" "Nah.." Returns home with big smile and new super, at no extra charge of course.. #6 INSIDER SPOTTED!! Location - Somewhere i visited for the first time Time - 2 years ago Pegs are full! Ahh.. no greenies. Nvm lemme try ask.. "Bang, any other cars besides this?" "No more, you looking for treasure hunts one?" "There is? Can i have a look!" "Wait.." (let's see how much our friend gonna charge for it) *returns with reg Brutalistic, few reg Camaro Z28, and SUPER Camaro Z28!* "Woot!" *Holding it for long time* *He smiles* "So i'll take all this?" "Yeah?" "I'll go pay at counter now" "Okay" "Err.. so you kept this hunts?" "Yeah?" "For someone?" "For any Hotwheels collector looking for this lah" "Err.. so these go at certain price?" "Hah?" "It's yours, i just put one side cause i heard people collect Hotwheels cars always looking for this Treasure Hunt thing" "Hehe.. you the man!" 7 - 9 Spoiler: #7 'Hotwheels Face' Location - Tujuh Sebelas Time - One of 7E Promos *Enters outlet* *The cashier dude stares, and disappeared shortly* "Huh?" *..returns with box full of restocked cars* "How do you.." "Muka Hotwheels. I remember." #8 Susah Senang Kita Bersama Location - On the road Time - Recently "Artt my car ada masalah teknikal sikit, driver power window doesn't work" "Oh, ye ke" "Haha yeah, alright let's go" (Upon reaching the toll plaza) "Errr.. Artt, my side door also not working, so..." *Artt shows his manhood by getting out of passenger side and walks towards the cashier to pay the toll* #9 Dude, Where's My Car (key)? Location - Where you buy groceries and get some Hotwheels Time - Very recently *Exits the store and walks towards my car* "Wait, where the hell is my car key?" *Runs back to the store* "Sorry don't see any car key here" (cashier) "Let me try and search for it" (toy section kakak) *Fails to find anything, called few more kakaks for 'hunting' session. (Dammit i'm supposed to come here to for some treasure huntin' and now i'm hunting for my own car key) *Couldn't find anything still* *Went back and forth store and car park, until another kakak passed by...* "Are you looking for car key? Someone sent it to customer service" "Sigh, thanks." (She could have make an announcement or at least informed the section where it's found) *Walks to customer service...* "Hah? Kunci? Takda pun" "Mungkin yang pegang kunci tu dah balik kot?" "Aaaarghhhhhh!!!!" (insert your own title here) Spoiler: Alrite here's another story i just remembered happened 2 years back (the golden era of undercover's treasure hunts reign), that period i could gamble hitting just anywhere without any pointers whatsoever, just relying on hunch. So i tried this place called South City Plaza near Mines that time, still worth it cause besides Giant below Parkson also was still there (and i actually scored few hunts there before). Well no luck that day both are still stuck with same stock since my last trip months earlier, damn exhausted that time so i grabbed two ice cream upon exiting Giant, sat somewhere and ate it like nobody's business. This Malay dude somewhere at the other side kept staring at me, i felt something's not right but screw it i just continue eating the ice creams and left. On my way back home, still trying to figure out what's up with the guy just now and.. dammit! it's bulan Ramadhan la and undercover with selambaness forgotten he too was fasting that day! Moral of the story - Not advised to go huntin' if malas bangun sahur. November 7E Promo Edition Spoiler: INI SAYA PUNYA Location - Heading towards Banting Time - When everyone's sleepin' *Enters 7E and found at half empty Bone Shaker case on the floor* The 7e dude welcomed me to go through remaining of the case and he revealed something surprising.. "Saya pun collect Hotwheels jugak. Sorry lah model best semua dah reserve untuk sendiri" "Oh ye ke. Ah takpa no prob.." *Saw reg Bone Shaker inside that case still* "Huh?" "Abang dah simpan banyak keta lain yang 'hijau' ni takkan abang tak minat?" "Keta hijau? Oh itu pun saya ada ambil!" What! Oh no.. here's 1 reg here, another could be.. "Abang, boleh tak i saja nak tengok kereta-kereta lain abang dah pilih" "Oh ada lagi kat sini kejap ye nanti saya ambik.." He brought out not one but 2 HW filled plastics, complete with note written on it "INI SAYA PUNYA". "Nak tengok, tengok lah" He helped untied the plastic, went through it again and showed to me his not one, but two green cars... ..Green Nerve Hammer and Fast Gassin "..." Hamster n' Ice-Cream Spoiler: Really true story, not makin' this up. So i woke up early this morning, and for some reason fell asleep again.. and i had this strangest dream ever. There's this hamster in my house and he's not doing good, he's dying i think. Caught him, hold him tight and i fed the hamster ice cream, yeah ice cream. I just place the hamster inside the same cup with ice cream in it. And before i would know what's next this playa artt anime went and wake my sleep with his "dah sampai Amcorp ke" sms. I went and informed artt my dream shortly after that. Anyway the Amcorp trip was total mess. Pissed as hell cause i lost the parking ticket no other way but to pay fine, so money gone for nothing (and i had to hutang someone for that). So later at night i said "screw it let's go have some ice-cream", so went to the mall to eat Baskin Robin to chill myself off. Drop by Giant, and there you go.. Super Packard hanging! Called artt to tell him "the dream was a sign!". And his reply.. "Laa aku pun baru sampai sini". I can't tell how does hamster and Classic Packard makes sense, but undercover's pretty sure this dream still some divine intervention. The UcB Did It Again Spoiler: As the story goes.. thanks to our playa mushroom's pointer on forum last night, earlier this morning the undercover headed to this newly opened store somewhere not really that close to undercover's hideout (it seems UcB's past few haulages relies heavily on other playaz tips, is he losing his huntin' mojo or what). And so he managed to defeat other playaz (just to make this story sounds cool cause there's no 'other playaz' at first place, but managed to bump with playa Wrestlemania and abang beruang later on) and satisfy himself with few regs and completion of Race World team. Well maybe not that satisfied cause yeah, of course UcB is aware 'the real thing' is no longer there, yeah i have the idea what went through before gate opens but no worries it wasn't really a big deal that we need to playa hate, 'warn' Mattel, contemplating retirement and all (just because i'm not the one scoring that Super). But anyway, that's not the point of this story.. As UcB walked out of cashier place he immediately saw huge pile of.. yeah Giant's RM1.29 Ramly burgers. Made 2 days ago or what, you can't go wrong with Ramly burger. So without further ado, 2 chicken burger, nearby bench and burger feast in the middle of the store, while speaking to Rayz on the phone! (for those who didn't know you score Treasure Hunts in Malaysia at Rayz's mercy, you are bound to report your progress to the Hotwheels grand taiko, and if he or Demonicle unaware what you're up to that is tantamount to treachery against the great HWCM club, newbies take note). Congratulations UcB, you just made the shopping crowd shakehead watching you eat during another episode of your Ramadhan hunting, again. p/s - just playin' with ya on that Rayz part, please dont send another letter to Mattel reporting shady dealings behind that Hotwheels Friday gang members and whatnot.
  7. I tell you what, i'm yet to find a Super Neet Streeter so definitely i won't be one of the best.. and anxiously waiting to see anyone scores this. Whoever manage to score it is simply the best and pwns everyone out there.
  8. When he came back he don't really need to see you. He just visualize demonice's face in his mind and super is there waiting for him. Ooops spilled my hunting tricks. Moral of the story, only if you're friend of demonicle you can find the good stuff.
  9. Congrats hokuan! You the man. But i tell you lah.. you can get that super only cause you belong to 'demonicle's gang', dun care whether it's your own effort or not. You get that super on demonicle's mercy. Once hwcm you will forever be demonicle gang, or so they say. All hail chairman demonicle!
  10. Actually i'm missing quite number of batmobile even most of the 1:50's and 1:18 taking time hoping to find a great deal, even still looking for that 2 pack in ckk avatar. As for pics gimme sum time, once im ready will share wit ya guys
  11. Is it Klang that you gonna give a try tonite, cause large part of Klang i know already got hit by me and fellow playaz here plus those non hwcm too i guess. If you're eyeing for hunts too do refer to my thread baggers and mustang gt that i left. Remember to request the staff too as not everything from new stock made it to shelves.
  12. My homie Kukubeh nail it right there, it's all fun. Just share with us whatever you appreciate.
  13. Awesomeness! How come that small batman dude made it into your batmobile 2 pack boxset
  14. Kurz there are very limited of this wave. u must try cari at 7 sebelas. Keep hitting malacca 7e's dude! 7e round in Malacca always i heard diff KL collectors (who happen to visit Malacca that time) having a field day.. bout time real malaccan turn to hustle, hopefully a super neet streeter score!
  15. Won't disclose detailed hunting radius but as for Shah Alam round here's some spot for anyone who can be fast enough and grab the Reg Bad Bagger TH. But no guarantee definitely still available by now cause Shah Alam seems to be very 'active' today, but anyone in need can give it a try!
  16. Before that, lil' flashback of my old post regarding previous 7E round (first half of 2009) for hwcm newbies out there to read and feel it! Spoiler: Okay specifically for this 7E rounds.. 1) I heard from updates sightings of different waves (Drift King, Angels, Bagger) but most of it supposed to be Super Qombee wave. What that means, the original cases may not even have reg (but yes you can still score reg qombee). So, 7e seems to be getting roughly half case (i did not calculate exact quantity).. and not every single Super Qombee wave comes with a Super (similar to Drift King th). Which means by the odds of it, this round is gonna be hard one and it's already expected that hard hunters too may not really 'wipe out' that amount of hunts by number of stores they went. So chances are the area (territory?) are actually untouched but just because some can't find single hunt in first few places they went, pretty quick to assume "no need to hunt lah whole area gone already". 2) So is the area indeed 'virgin'? Okay i would say the race gonna be very challenging especially when whole HWCM are up to it. You can shove 'real scalpers' aside. Yes hard hunters would still be hard hunters, but in hwcm spirit this time i'm sure playaz here knows their responsibility and offer best they could do.. in a way like updating each other, coordinating with close fellow collectors, left some in peg and let us know etc. For newcomers you guys are welcomed to ask around if your 'plans' could work, but i believe for hot spots especially in cities it's gonna be tough one. 3) Back then when every 7E's used to receive full case with hunts and with very few fellow hunters out there, we could actually hoarded them madly and just brought over to gath and let everyone get the regs at retail, did that before. But in the case of current 7E promo i guess you guys have to understand if playaz who made it manage their extras more strictly due to fewer hunts that they scored. I hope you guys understand about it. 4) Also would like to mention here that my friend who ain't really a regular hunter scored Super Drift King (yes, Drift King.. not Funny Car?) on peg in one of common 7E in Bangsar long before new 7E promo was announced. So guys, it's all about being positively minded and bit of luck in you, aight! Hope these helps, all the best! I'm out to hit more 7E's! Alright, 2nd half of 2009.. yes all ma playaz, 7E promotion is back! Since i'm bit tired from hunting instead of preparing another muet essay i'll just highlight in pointers just like the previous one. 1) Feel free to digest urself with whatever i wrote above before continuing with this one cause we're not gonna explain again what's up with all this 'hwcm 7e attacks' and newbies concern of not getting any goodies. 2) Yup as someone pointed out most out there are Bad Bagger wave with slight touch of Neet Streeter! Still waiting for any new sightings of other waves (hint - yes they're here). Bad Bagger th! Neet Streeter th! Yeah yeah it's all about greenies again. Okay.. but there's actually many other cool cars too, and Matchbox. Go find it out. 3) Most of the 7E outlets receives the stuff barely a night or two before promotion starts today, yes you guys are still in the race it's not like we hustled it hard weeks ago in 7E storerooms or something. 4) We had a tradition back then to do a '7e hunts tally' online with every playaz th score and it's location grouped together merely as reference for everyone out there who wanna try get some idea and plan their huntin' radius better. But, well you know these kind of thing easily misinterpreted as in we're saying "f--- all y'all we all pwned all the hunts!". Plus you know holding more 10 same hunts entitles you the nick scalper although it's an open secret we'll just bring it out and distribute to just anyone at retail unless they're lesser common hunts. Now i think we'll just leave it to individual playaz sharing their haul their own space if they wish to. 5) Anyway the good news is since everyone can do their part i believe most hwcm playaz are now less on "taking as many regs" thing and rather focused on capturing the Super.. the main purpose behind these countless hits thing. Chances are reg Bad Bagger should be easy one as i've asked some playaz and yeah they did the same too (leaving them once they're good). Datsun Bluebird? If i pick my nose and randomly stick it chances are it could hit a Datsun Bluebird. 6) So anti-hoarders rejoice! Not. Hoarders or not the effect are more or less the same, rise of new collectors, open discussion thingy we got here in hwcm, good stuff just disappeared fast. In fact most of us who already did the rounding were pretty impressed with many 'unknown competitors' giving close chase. They must've be one of us too, sneaky like a ninja (great minds think alike) or maybe just total outsider, but who cares. We're still Hotwheels collectors and it's all cool! 7) So all my playaz, good luck! This ain't shopping malls, with all the timing and scattered 7E factor no one could ever claim they successfully 'conquered' their 'territories' at least for now. But still important to hunt smart, please keep in touch with your hw homies and remember, it's all about FUN! You wanna know what's fun? Ask undercoverbrother, when he hold Super Bad Bagger in the middle of 7E last nite it's kinda like he just took an LSD trip.
  17. You should give it try, will look forward to see how it goes.
  18. Nice clip and pretty cool idea! But then the whole purpose of miniature tilt shift shot is to create impression of the real thing looking more like a miniature, whereas HW cars itself is already a 'miniature'.. you might want to find right angle take shot of real car instead, and then do editing stuff to make look as in looked like, hw? now that would be cool.
  19. And if you really can't find any, some hunts which are more common ones i believe fellow collectors won't have any prob letting it go at very reasonable price even retail. Just ask those gath newcomers who went back smiling.
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