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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. hehe... got from a fren.. not from Malaysia..
  2. hehehe... abarai renji.. come on.. come to the dark side..
  3. wanna search for it.. i think stuff that have a limit, are good stuff...
  4. hoho... , is there anymore model beside the ford?
  5. still can get it, mr cooolman? wanna have a look...
  6. i agrees wit undercover brothah! .. have to change the way we hunt..
  7. by the way, theres another movie, almost like that one, with killer trucks.. cant remember the film.. watch it when i was a little boy, scare the hell out of me.. which i could remember the title..
  8. hoho.. i think at toycity sold delorean12.. but not 1/64 scales
  9. ya... i remember.. how bout those 007 cars? seems like you guys missed em out.. Back to the future punya kereta? apa nama itu kereta?
  10. how bout cartoons? M.A.S.K? they have a lot of super cool vehicles...
  11. agrees with sinclair, transporter, and Ronin, one of the best car chase ever! my top five would be 1. Transporter series 2. Ronin 3. F&F series 4. Italian Job (original & remake, both are must see for coopers fans) 5. KL drift (malaysia boleh!)
  12. renjis-renjis dipilis... di siram air mawar... lalala... Tahniah Mutt!!
  13. cannot challenge alot of sifus here... mine small collection je.. K_T, thanks bro..later add diorama...
  14. kawan2 yang baik hati tolong carikan... lama punya hal...
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