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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. Welcome n nice findings bro
  2. updated my haul... balik kg haul
  3. arttt_anime

    14/12/10 haul

    Nice catched bro...yummy bats
  4. @ xeifu - sabor2 @ sahama - yg haritu punye @ mushroom - accidently @ CKH - both intnl @ daniel - thanks bro @ sinclair - jgn pengsan nanti takleh balik mesia plak
  5. @xeifu - thanks.. @yush - rilek2 @shakz - @enyo - sunday i'm in jhr @matbear - semangat patriotik hehehe @wild - ko kn collect DB's bro
  6. yup...BIRO TATA NEGAra bro...gv reason to jurulatih to go outside...went to tampin to make some cash transfer...tampin got 1 7e..but...already been tapau also...
  7. just lucky even i missed out the 7e promotions cause of BTN!!!!
  8. negeri kampung...bkn kat kg
  9. latest haul... basic bats 2011 greenies 2010 greenies 2011 TH$
  10. dh smpai pun takleh watpe.bukak jela
  11. hahaha....saper yg tak nmpk, mmg rabun lar.....orgnya "comel"..... and handsome......lama tak ketemu pak
  12. suh org pun...adik sendiri,,,hehehehe,,,bila lagi abg nak pow adik kan...wahahhahhwa
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