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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. yummy greenies beb...hehehhe...cantik si tuh
  2. wahahahahaha....tipah tertipu
  3. pm or sms me ur interest...tq th$ SOLD SOLD slick rides SOLD eggs ultra hots SOLD military SOLD
  4. common u guys....kalau berasap bontot...duk dlm air...heheheh... insyaallah next week akan di edarkan.tq.
  5. drag bus coming soon...ke nak deal direct ngan ko..hehehe
  6. interested? pm me for price slick rides EDELBROCK SOLD slick rides and chase garage
  7. hi guys...i hv 6 sets of this pairs. interested do pm or sms or call me for price.(0192611068) condition : - carded - rubber tyres - nice detailing and tampos here the pic thanks
  8. Eh eh...mn de mrh bro...explaination jer...hehe... So pe lg bro...meh ler order...kasih cukup 50 helai...
  9. Tu sbb aku tk buh last date...tp insyaallah tak lm lg settle la... Fyi even ada yg tak byr lg...aku akn for printing this week... Harap kerjasama pd yg dh order n we need more for new order...tq guys
  10. Nk race kene loose la plak
  11. Wah wah....rilek2...kelab dh nm hotwheels jgn tshirt pun jd hot plak.. Kiter try bg pluang pd kawan2 kite lg k all bros...cause bila complete..less than 1 week t shirt dh leh kuar...so hope all u guys can wait a bit...cheers
  12. Aiyooooo.....still dont hv it that ctr
  13. arttt_anime

    from tesco

    Sure a lot people already asked u too rite..
  14. Al-Fatehah... Just read n shocked about the news... Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat n di tempatkan bersama2 org beriman..
  15. Accidently while boungt my daughter tiger...
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