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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. unexpected found...at last
  2. arttt_anime

    old car....

    im crying out loud
  3. aduyaiii...bila la nak pegang buick ni...tak dapat2 lagi
  4. more than half box haul......nice
  5. wow...bila nak jumpa green lantern tuhhhh
  6. wahaha...avent tuh kene tanya boss aku kat UK....die belikan kat sana then pos ke opis aku kt KL
  7. siut jer atom.....kontroversi punya K-Y @sinclair - dont know the price but it says no.1 in UK..
  8. for my newborn baby laaaaa
  9. the small box Spoiler: the bigger one contained these...hehehe from my boss in UK...thanks for the avent,mb n bm Spoiler: * atom..u almost rite
  10. wahahahahaha.....bit like that kot..wahahaha
  11. my new home for my latest haul..... today...after long holiday....the JKR parcel section called.... 2 boxes...wonder wats inside
  12. balik kg haul sikit-sikit...kn jaga baby for my far far away fren
  13. whilw my wife berpantang at kg haul...
  14. Alhamdulillah....thanks guys...will update my latest treasure .. ....nama blum decide nak letak apa..hehehe
  15. noticed that the new packaging didnt hv the chase version but all are nice including the cute bad guys....
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