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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. german haul...from my bro.. short card TH 2011 1989 batmobile civic bug p/s : pic taken from skype webcam
  2. mak bapak.....nangis aku......cntik moon eyeeeeeeeessssss tuuuu.......
  3. arttt_anime

    Free haul!

    wuish....ada vari?????
  4. wuish...sinclair....ko g bukak???......
  5. arttt_anime

    one heppi guy..

    betui2..tak baik memfitnah...fitnah itu lebih buruk dr org membunuh...
  6. arttt_anime

    my SM haul!

    waduh-waduh...lawanyaaaaa!!!!!...yummy nsx!
  7. luv the carbonator...rape it and stick to fridge
  8. what is so special ... it's just a civic ..... Sinclair got one, I got one ..so what is so special ... what is this SEMA...... rubbish ... should open up and play lah ... sinclair will support ...... takpele.. joking aje .. macam serious pulak .......LOL
  9. what is so special ... it's just a civic ..... Sinclair got one, I got one ..so what is so special ... what is this SEMA...... rubbish ... should open up and play lah ... sinclair will support ...... takpele..
  10. arttt_anime

    one heppi guy..

    alamak...dh jd kes ke..
  11. arttt_anime

    one heppi guy..

    ?????,,,,,answer pe???
  12. sabar artt... cuba tanye kawan ko kat Ikano tu... byk kotak restock weih utk race world... kalau aku ada kawan dh lama aku g sana...
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