and you have so much time to research about me, very keyboard warrior of you bro, i'm flattered by the way... since when did i claim myself to be a holyman? pls give me evidence that i've ever claim that...tq i just type ...ceweknya ganteng sebab makan it downgrading, or just a compliment... about the p ramlee avatar, you have no solid s#it to throw at me now you want to make my avattar an issue, come on la bro, p ramlee is my idol, you think i don't know anything about respecting the dead. ok let me tell you in bm, tidak salah saya pakai avatar p ramlee, dalam islam cakap bila org dah meninggal jgn mainkan lagu atau filem mereka, tapi setakat pakai gambar biasa takde hal, lagipun gambar lukisan jer pun, bukan gambar mayat p ramlee k, and don't misunderstand this statement, not trying to be aholy man aaa about xebec, yes i acknowledge that i was wrong, because frustrated with some people i've done business from his country went bad,i lepas marah at him, sorry bro xebec and you say give you one strike, aiseyamn bro, kita tngah main boling ker...hehehehe one more thing, kenapa nak marah when i say this post is lame, you try to defend yourself by trapping me with my old post but in the end you look stupid for not understanding the simple meaning of downgrading and simple drooling compliment, and the way you try to attack my use of pramlee pics as avatar,is pretty pathetic and downright bulls#it!!!! you use an eightball logo as an avatar, does that mean you hisap ganja??? is that it... keep cool bro, for me this is a simple misunderstanding k...i apologise for my kesilapan menyinggung hatimu , but if you still want to attack me, let us begin w