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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. i buy sikit sikitla bro.....consider hibernatelahhh..but my style, still bukak mata while hibernatik like Sinclair said before..once good stuff pop out, takelaaaa...hehehhe
  2. really ahh? i think this one still can get, but have to prepare big moneylaaaa...but i got this at a very very good price..
  3. ini abang memang bagus..i like sebab dia lelaki, kalo dia pompuan i love dia..huhuhuh

    ei8ht's Garage

    i dont get it, apa maksud free hot wheels car with this pack...?
  5. more hibernating mode haul....old stuffla tapinya..hehehe
  6. hehehe..sahama joking onlyla....im waiting for new pro stock firebird this year...cikidout..
  7. wahhh..giant restok ya....congrats
  8. camaroni mahallaaa..i tengokpun dah tau......untung badan CKH...
  9. oittt abang ini mana datang..mau woo..mau ini itam....huhuhuuh
  10. how bout this......hit Singapore ady...thanks uncle singaporean...
  11. i wanna have dinner adyla wei...where is your haul pics? hehehehhee
  12. yeahh...so true..if not, you'll regret later...hehehehe
  13. aiyakkkk..what to do sinclair..nice stuff cannot tahanla, kena beli wooo....
  14. wow.....that was a great catch PY..as usual, you're the best...
  15. still ON but buy this lately.....HUTANG... latest hibernating mode haul....huhuuh
  16. still in hibernating mode..btw, thanks for your comments...hehehe
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