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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. @sinclair - thanks bro.. dunno la that time i be so cuai .. this is my first car accident.. well, there is a first time for everything.. @kukubeh - thanks bro.. i'm ok, just my car hurt quite badly.. . btw, i'm thankful i'm ok..
  2. Now i'm not surprised that ppl willing to buy them at that price.. That is the most expensive T-Hunt!!! and probably most expensive HotWheels!!
  3. wahh.. i found a new info.. see this ( look at 6th and 7th row ), South Texas Diecast's '67 Camaro *credit to www.southtexasdiecast.com
  4. book a ticket to jb or kl now,bro zint
  5. haha.. sure kene block, by bro ADVedder's highway eagle.. huhu.. btw thanks bro..
  6. LOL nice try i really like the side paint job lah.. im very angry to read this!! thanks bro, love that side paint job too, just the yellow seems like thick, huhu.. ala bro, dun be angry, huhu.. i got same reaction at last raceday at McD, huhu..
  7. that f430 is last car i open.. i really surprised and glad to had it.. looks like i gonna start collect f430 also, haha~~
  8. already bongkar, huhu... u r lucky to get the shelby, i really love that car..
  9. glad that u like it.. actually the yellow stripes at side are not well-done, coz i put 3 layers of decals there.. dun have white background decal, only clear one.. btw thanks bro..
  10. jhc7598

    JHC July's Hauls

    Mysteries Cars Uploaded.. Can see them Here
  11. Continue Again.. thats all.. actually got another fast fish, but forgot to take pics.. huhu~~ thanks for looking...
  12. Seems like i didnt post here for a long time, huhu~~ BTW here are my latest 09's Mysteries Cars.. Enjoys.. 09's Mystery Cars its an error.. huhu~~ lucky..
  13. thanks bro rikmun.. appreciate that..
  14. cant, the body actually fit to those rubber wheels..
  15. wawhhhh.... error!!! no stripes.. and super too. huhu.. now what u'll give me?? huhu~~ the prize is the 3rd one, right?? btw bro, its a great haul!!!
  16. I'm sure somebody will angry at me if i tell where i got those wheels.. huhu.. but those wheels from JADA's Initial D Yellow Mazda RX7 FD..
  17. i'm ok, only my pocket hurt badly, huhu.. but now it's okk.. thanks for ur concern..
  18. Hi all.. now its time to show my latest EvoX custom that i did about half month ago.. dun really have camera @ time to post pics that time.. Actually i been stumbled when bro Dreamer-Adrian post a vids about Ken block's Subaru Impreza.. So nice... So i wonder, how it'll look like if evoX do the same color pattern like that Subaru.. and i customs it... and here the results.. FRONT BACK TOP SIDEWAYS ANOTHER VIEW And lastly, borrow bro Kurz's trademarks style, HARD-CORNERING.. Thats all for this customs.. will post another custom (team) later.. Thanks for looking..
  19. thanks bro enyo!! please pass it to any one of them.. hope they will agree,
  20. jhc7598

    Parcel Taxed

    i agree with bro undercoverbrother said, maybe ur parcel looks suspicious.. and also agree with bro sinclair, always buy no more than RM500, and for me i never reach that price..
  21. jhc7598

    Parcel Taxed

    i am a newbie in this "buying from oversea" thingy, but i had received about 10-15 parcel from oversea, and never had being hold by kastam.. If the price of the items inside too much, the kastam will hold them. so every time i order items, i ask the seller put a way cheaper price on the form, and also mark them as a gift.. that is how i avoided taxes, as many ppl told me to do that way.. if got hold, so must pay the taxes la, i think...
  22. wahh.. i want black bluebirds.. when u gonna down to jb bro enyo??
  23. jhc7598

    JHC July's Hauls

    wait2.. will show y'all tonite..
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