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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nola, use cold water only.. huhu..
  2. before... after.. the real cold color should be more thicker since i just use a cold water.. last time put in fridge for quite long time, the color was totally changed..
  3. kepala lori i never saw once..
  4. jhc7598

    my aug haul!

    wahh.. so many great hauls.. nice!!
  5. for sure this are not kecil²an hauls.. nice catch.. LoL.. cubit cubitan, senggol senggolan.. :LOL!:
  6. or wanna try taste the poison first, hehe..
  7. nowadays mr sinclair got many poison la up in his sleeve.. so dangerous..
  8. ^ lol.. mcm perli nmpak, haha.. :LOL!: :LOL!:
  9. i want to hunt that mugen RR, huhu~~
  10. huhu.. ya lo.. go la kurz, go la.. hehe~~ left 2 more,
  11. haizzz... so poisoning since i also try to collect this casting.. mr sinclair, need group pics, for encyclopedia,
  12. i found it at giant kuantan.. grab 3, left 2.. fast fast go grab,
  13. i found this today at 7e, but i pass coz the paint not quite nice.. had to find a nicer paintjob..
  14. the ferrari engine go so fast until the body left behind, LoL
  15. me too, bro zint.. and also gold enzo,
  16. got my 1st green hauls in k.terengganu today, haha. although it is just qombee.. very very hard to find green in terengganu la..
  17. jhc7598

    Gee's Garage

    wahh,, custom master has come back!! cant wait for the outcome..
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