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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wow nice haul la bro cawan..
  2. nice gifts!! love that golden camaro.. congrats mr eight!!
  3. nice hauls mr cawan.. great!!
  4. wahh.. great metrorail mr sinclair.. like it very much!!
  5. wow.. really nice fella.. congrats mr zint3k
  6. huhu.. gotta try haul in KL.. huhu~~ most likely every time wanna go haul, see only pegwarmers.. btw nice hauls bro py..
  7. but looks like i'm not gonna join coz cant go every race..
  8. huhu.. now we got punk'd, joke joke.. like sinclair say, we had our fun time, :woohoo:
  9. okeh.. kalu smpat smpai sblm abis diorg belasah, huhu~~
  10. oh no, yellow aston martin.. also eclipse...
  11. wahh.. mr sinclair, bring it to this week gath,
  12. wahh, sinclair also gonna finish P.P.celica also..
  13. sorry bro.. for me, its Nissan Z.. got 2 more varie to complete, i think.. at least try to be same as mr sinclair, huhu~~
  14. only if i manage to go KL, huhu~~ will do,
  15. nice idea mr DA.. for me, i collect : Jap Cars (Skyline, Nissan Z, EvoX, etc..) and also i didnt collect other certain casting, but i collect on one color, PURPLE.. btw nice shot bro DA..
  16. wahh.. nice pics.. btw u the one that donate that gt3 Porsche?? how come i didnt see u?? i also be there, i'm the one that donate that Porsche Carrera GT at the back,
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