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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. i do think so, coz sometime make me confuse.. but dunno la if it helpful to other ppl..
  2. nice... looks like i'm gonna start my ramadhan project too la,
  3. i saw that yesterday.. maybe bro phqd can show us some pictures.. the devastator so damn nice!!
  4. nice ice cream truck u got there, if i wanna buy my 2nd transformers, i will definitely buy this..
  5. wow.. thats really neat work done by danielh.. btw, now everyone into the "corner baring" style,
  6. ^huhu.. looks like better keep it for future, as for trade maybe sometimes.. u know many ppl cant resist this civic, especially it almost impossible to find them here.. if wanna sell, pm me first,
  7. @ckh : .. or maybe i can donate 3-4 of my custom bluebirds,
  8. u right, bro.. but when we decide to pick certain model, we tend to find more and more variation on that model, and then go to ebay... dan "ini... serious ..." ( say like wonder pet)
  9. Come anybody help mr CKH here... he offering 10 Bluebirds for yellow CTR..
  10. thats happen when u just started to eat poisons from ppl here.. huhu.. but after a while, ur body builds up antibody, then u can withstand the poisons a bit,
  11. mine this month got very small haul la.. not hauling for a while now,
  12. ala, this month's salary date near la, huhu~~
  13. the yellow ctr sure he sapu punya la, hehe...
  14. @ckh : nice pantun la bro...
  15. got milk's DD sure can buy la, if got milk inside.. never ending supplies milk,
  16. LoL.. ya lor, mr admin sound nice what.. huhu.. if buy 7th and above, that is to scalp ,
  17. ^ great idea mr eight..
  18. wahh... not seing this tread before.. looks like some ppl berbelanja sakan,
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