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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. @py : maybe on enyo's birthday, he will give everyone a thunt, who knows, huhu~
  2. WAH! but ur avatar so poisoning la bro.. arghhh...
  3. i check my extras, and found this yellow variation too, .. but the blue one, what the different between those variations mr sinclair?? same like yellow one??
  4. wahh.. great.. now bro danielh got part time job.. huhu.. i love his work, so much detail..
  5. huhu.. but both of urs poisons affect me la.. i have no counter-poison,
  6. easy if everyone supplied 10 bluebirds, huhu.. if the chosen casting is bluebirds la..
  7. wow.. too many poisons!! but i'm immune to ferrari poisons, huhu.. only f430 can struck to my heart,
  8. wahh.. secret casting.. erm, btw when the dinner will be held?? had been decided ady?? for the 2nd clubcar, i guessing datsun bluebirds, huhu~~
  9. depend on bro DA.. looks like mr admin gonna miss this gath..
  10. agree with bro enyo and ad.. as long as it is pro's job, i dont mind paying a higher price.. but must under rm100 la, i think..
  11. aiyoh.......add another 2 angels ke.....??
  12. bro, i thought u want to retire ady, huhu.. btw good luck in ur trade..
  13. wow.. great haul!! reg 16 angels !!
  14. jhc7598

    Gundam Wedding

    i want Gundam 00 Raiser !!
  15. ^aiyakk.. huhu~~ this month had to "puasa" la, huhu~~ maybe next month,
  16. wahh.. so nice la ur haul.. love that F-100 panel delivery..
  17. wahh.. its "green-King" birthday laa.. congrats bro!! Hepi birthday, and hope ur jampi become more stronger,
  18. wow.. nice baja bug!! and mercy breaker too..
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