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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. haha.. i thought u interested in this area of age.. thats why i choose here specially for you, My TASTE not as bad as that!!
  2. its up to you bro!! but, as i learned from mr admin last week, some cars deserve to be loosed.. by touching them, it feel more.. satisfied..
  3. LoL. then we had to call it 2010 club balloon.. wahh, maybe we are first club in the world using balloon as club club car.. opps, club balloon..
  4. haha.. i thought u interested in this area of age.. thats why i choose here specially for you,
  5. i wanna too!! mr yush, u must get them to our raceday!!
  6. wahh.. sure i cant come.. just arrive to tganu this morning.. btw, have a great gath!! next weekend i'll be there..
  7. aiya.. mr admin sudah marah... :busted: :busted:
  8. wahh.. somebody really go shopping this time, huhu~~
  9. new hauls again?? nice bro!!
  10. wow!! new wave hauls.. nice bro.. i still havent got that copper bluebirds.. when la i can get it..
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