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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wawhhh.. funny car!! why not the $uper, bro py..
  2. wow, nice info bro sanlino..
  3. jhc7598

    weee new wave!

    ^ huhu.. looks like some one got so many BBs.. nice..
  4. jhc7598

    aBc little hauling.

    wow... so many cars.. congrats...
  5. Sunday whole day i cant.. i only available Saturday night.. sorry.. wawh, bro DA's neo already siap?? nice..
  6. @aphong : thanks.. @elgee : huhu.. ya lo, forgot that the wheels got stuck.. gonna find stock wheels first, then baru dyno test.. @ckh : owh, okies.. i'll try to bring some of my customs in next gath.. huhu..
  7. seen one, but not nice paintjob.. so i'll pass.. had to look for better paintjob one.. but now already gone.. huhu..
  8. go find the cure..bro!! Buy lah!! got no money ady,
  9. Cooolman = Borong.. btw havent seen cooolman hauls lately.. show us some poison la bro, huhu~~
  10. thanks bro.. aiyoo, where to find them now, huhu~~
  11. wow.. nascar.. nice mr cawan..that wheels surely rubber, plus got goodyear summore..
  12. Nooooo I DEMAND that photo!!! Show show must show see...the 9 years old kid sudah marah.... :LOL!:
  13. btw bro atom, that nice!! i wish it'll available at local TrU...
  14. It means driving enjoyment. Check Wiki. The word also appeared on the First Edition Drag Bus. thanks mr sinclair.. now i learn something new,
  15. WoW!! bro, u like everyday got hauls la.. aduyai.. really envy u lar... congrats on ur completed 08 thunt.. now had to complete hunt for 07,06,05,04..... btw, nice la that c6r..
  16. ^dun find them la mr netmatrix, u gonna kill us, huhu~~ seeing bro UCB's spawn car already make me nearly faint,
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