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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. eh, izzit just my eyes, or do the lower one got thinner tires??
  2. jhc7598

    aBc little hauling.

    he mean that buy the chevy silverado, got a motorbike at the back of the truck, :rolleyes2:
  3. thats ok la bro, ur thesis more important.. as soon as u finish it, post them.. i really love to see the final result!!
  4. turn to evil side, and u will gain a power...
  5. search for it, and cant find them on evil-bay.. btw bro, does it have same variation also for red/brown one (kmart special)? if had also, sure can complete this casting la...
  6. jhc7598

    weee new wave!

    i got 5 BB ady la bro, huhu~~ btw now only got 8 bluebirds, how can i give u 10,
  7. open the Super la bro, n show us the differences,
  8. yup.. u should bring ur evo7 also.. long time no see that evo7, finish ady bro??
  9. nice eye bro.. now i'd seen the scratch mark.. maybe it scratched during the slaughtering event, huhu~
  10. okays.. btw bro DA, can u pass my item to ckh also? next week i take from him, can ar mr ckh, huhu~~
  11. mr admin provide joke of the day.. i never had tuition teacher. even if i had, how he/she gonna predict our club car,
  12. my intuition tell me that it'll be bluebirds, since may ppl like them and easy to grab now..
  13. if like that, better do the gath on sunday lor.. i'm out coz got classes from 8am to 6pm.. its ok.. still can meet bro ckh on sat nite, rite?
  14. super not nice, trade ur super with my regular la.. nicer what, hehe..
  15. aiyooo... bro DA and demon cant be there, btw left 2 of us only ar, bro ckh? bro enyo, are u coming?? hw about others??
  16. jhc7598

    weee new wave!

    wow, thats a lot!! better buy from ebay la if like that..
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