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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. where got deep pocket... this month had to eat bread only la for berbuka and sahur, huhu~~ eat bread and drink water alot..
  2. got live size Whatta-drag?? ..
  3. OK... On!! place?? time bro DA already tell la ckh, saturday nite, 9pm.. but the place will be??
  4. agree with mr admin, i dont think the top posters entitled to have one.. if like that, all ppl will be spammers, in order to have them.. and about DD, i just joking la mr admin, .. better bluebird or anything lovely.. cheers..
  5. ncie cars.. i got the chevy tahoe too.. very nice la that truck!!
  6. nice la ckh.. got the yellow fire engine!!
  7. i feel like i had seen this yellow evo, with mine's stripe before.. but where ar..
  8. chill ppl, chill... btw do anybody know @ ask the seller at litt tak when will the TL black gtr will arrive?? i kinda cant wait la, hehe...
  9. kurz kurz... always got poison.. huhu.. love that car too.. looks great la..
  10. @ckh : ada ke?? x prasan, huhu...
  11. so bahaya la this thread, got soo many poisons!!
  12. congrats bro... u r very lucky.. cham cham, very nice person la.. now gimme RAOK also, jk jk
  13. jhc7598

    RAOK from demon

    very nice la mr admin.. and congrats bro!!
  14. jhc7598

    Gundam Wedding

    @py : i heard they open auction for those who wanna take pics at the shoulder of the gundam, and that cost a lot!!
  15. nice deora II and spawn, btw if got transparent side, sure the price will up too..
  16. wahh.. looks like after this i had to buy NERF too la.. huhu~~
  17. nice!! so funny, huhu~~
  18. jhc7598

    8 Bit-Trip

    nice vids bro!! thanks for sharing..
  19. to all who dont have opportunity to have the beetle cup, please be patient la.. we all can wait till moderators decide to have 2nd batch cars.. then we will have our chance.. hope for 2nd batch, they'll choose DDs,
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