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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. yeah, our blood all dries up...now we are zombies... zombies with capability of hauling HW!!
  2. Happy to know u can make it to the amcorp! and its great to meet those guys!!
  3. i thought that ball is going to cross over from the right side of the korea's goal post but it curves beautifully (like guided missiles!) into the net and i bet that even the best goalie in the world can't stop it. that was a very difficult angle to score from the sideline. I think it's one of the best since Roberto Carlos goal against France many years ago. that's is "banana kick"!!
  4. its from TESCO bro!! Didnt know u looking for the K & N! Got feww hanging there! Maybe u can try ur luck this coming weekend !!
  5. Thanks bro!!Now looking for the Gangster Grin & cadillac hanging on the peg for me to catch!!
  6. if only i got extra bullet..that day...hiazzz!!
  7. Thanks! No extra leh bro! One of each only!! Sayang to Uncarded it..so looking for the loose one ..now!!
  8. Thanks for looking! Ur haul r more greater than mine lah...bro!!
  9. Zaquan should have upload the pic by today. Upload fees have been given to him. wat a nice RAOK!!!
  10. wow!!! wat a great custom cars u have there! Speechless!
  11. asia team getting to rock the world!! Korea & Japan made it!!
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