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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. forgot the present for ur birthday..bro.... nah....
  2. !! Agree!! Really not easy to complete it!! Nice Evo collections there..bro!!
  3. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Outstanding!! Awesome!!..Err..wat can i say anymore?? Evo Helang!! Come to papa!!
  4. arrgh!! spreading poison!! Nice Ferrari bro!!
  5. where the latest $uper & reg??? hehehe..i gave to somebody...im not into camaro so much..hehe...what i like, i take...if not, i'll pass.. if u r not into the DD anymore..remember to put me under ur list..1st one!!
  6. this year one ke bro? put picsla bro..can share share... Nope!! Its 2009!
  7. where the latest $uper & reg???
  8. rgsukan "ultraman" is new kind of breed!! Kacukan "joker & Ultrawoman"!!
  9. fainted!! or can u custom that ...Danielh??? I dont mind if u not using spectraflame!! I provide u the DB & Fastback!!
  10. plain black!! Look normal! But still a must to have it!!
  11. congrats on the massive haul!!! Pics..pls!!!
  12. Nice 599 pics..Kurz! Wait till i bored with the Dannysp15 3d wallpaper...then i consider using this Ferrari as my latest wallpaper!
  13. yeah, given choice between lunch and HW, i'll grab the latter. Not enough money? no worry, get the nearest 7E and get that 60 sen roti to fill the stomach temporary. but when drop by nearest 7E, you see more HW on peg and ask the staff to take out their stock summore..and you keep on digging em and the end up with you buy more HWs...again and again and again.... so....at last....didnt eat any at all!! Stomach/ulcer pain..go see doctor/buy medicine...spend more $$$ again!!
  14. impressive!! Hi detail WIP!! Looking foward to the final touch!! But pls dont let us wait till the World Cup is over!!
  15. WHAT?...kekkekekek..admin also kena banned? banned by yourself pulaktu ...kekekekee yeah! Mr.Admin...the man of word!!
  16. yeah!! U got ur point there...actually!!
  17. no worry bro! HW can make u feel full instead of hungry!!
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