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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. now the north korea aiming & pointing their missle..weapon of mass destruction at Portugal!!
  2. WOW! Great haul!! Seem like not so many taker in KB!!
  3. woo!! Nice Custom kereta potong!!
  4. u lucky...i have to terbalik my monitor to see it!! Congrats! Nice haul..mira buruk!
  5. err..i think i have that also!! Had to check back my entire collections!! cadillac 300c/red?... go dig it...hehehe
  6. t-bucket............. mostly all the customizer will slaughter this casting jus bcuz of the wheels..!! Me....keep it ori !!
  7. err..i think i have that also!! Had to check back my entire collections!!
  8. Slept?? Not yet bro! I work 2 jobs for living lah..! Just back from the Cafe! Everyday also the same except saturday! Life's hard! Work hard for the money!! Woww! massive collection!! btw....ckh is a midnight hauler... midnight stalker..too!!
  9. Ecto - 1 & Mustang Funny cars!! Me likey it!!
  10. Slept?? Not yet bro! I work 2 jobs for living lah..! Just back from the Cafe! Everyday also the same except saturday! Life's hard! Work hard for the money!!
  11. look same as the actual $uper Enzo!!
  12. one nice haul dude!! The Ferrari 5 packs r nice! & ur hard work pay off....599xx now lay in ur hand!!
  13. wow!! Ur collections growing fast..dude!!
  14. put it in the microwave oven!! not only the color change, the shape oso change as well.. Shape-Shifter!!
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