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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. jus heard from local news...more minister to step down!!!! Thinsk its time for Sinclair to migrate back to Boleh land!!!
  2. Thank you will see your booth on Sunday whether can find civic. Bang, I will not open this sunday.. But if the civics are still available during that time, then I shall bring it on sunday.. huh?? Close on this coming Sunday??? "Cuti Penat" right???
  3. argh...counter attack mushroom...
  4. wow!! Got variant wor!!! Mine clear window/windscreen..urs...tinted!!!
  5. New 1st lady!!!! Hmm............Politics rules!!
  6. Blue or Orange?? Cis!! Spread deadly poison here!!! ! I wan both! Thanks!
  7. WOW! Nissan Convoy!!! Loose it all...bro! Spam mine...get this recently from e-bay..
  8. my eyes pop out!!! 3 pcs of Gangster Grin!!! Congrats!
  9. any wheels will look better than the original one!!
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