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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. VW DB & FB: ....wow!! Fainted!!!! Demm nice tampo & rubbers wheels!
  2. me too..need tissues....BUT not my nose bleeding!!!
  3. ahahaha busted....now we know netmatrixs taste in men dont we.. not the musculart ype but flabby chubby saggy ones huh.. u horny devil u..
  4. i'm second that!! Really can ah?? If so....i am in too!!
  5. Heh heh! Get myself one 599XX! Still a lot hanging there! No worry bro..u will score that soon eniough!
  6. Tima kaseh! Tapi tak dahsyat mcm haul kamu le!!
  7. Bone Shaker?? Yup! No takers at all! Maybe u should have come to jb and tapau all that!! Yup! Look nice! But i only wan the Buzz & Woody!!
  8. Someone help me pls!! I fainted to see those superb custom Evo Helang!! Drooling!! Bravo!! So..waiting for the final touch up!!
  9. Some haul from Jusco...... spot any unusual??? yessssssss!! Wheels error!!! nothing more...its a mix wave of ratbomb & G.Grin..as usual...hijau...lesap!!! others on the peg...... Bone Shaker .... speed machines.... CARS............ and ToYs Story 3.... Thanks for looking!!!
  10. huh?????????????????? Bad news!! Really a sad news!!!
  11. Nice one alfgta!! Didnt know Ultraman drive the Alfa! Hmm.they should have use the Skyline GTR !! Ha ha! No offence alfagta! Know u r hardcore alfa collector!!
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