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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. ekekeke.. chill la bro.. will try to get one for you.. NOT!!!!!.. ahahha.. just kidding.. let me see first la bro... manyak sayang la... Hassan...wat u gonna do...now???
  2. Last always the best!! Nice truck ...especially the Bone Shaker truck!! Jus to remind u....keep that away from Hassan!!!!
  3. So many yummy yummy stuff u got there!! Must go to u when i go KL. COngrats on the newly opening shop!
  4. wow! Nice rims!!! and nice pic too!!
  5. no problem bro!! Will let u know when the days come!! thanks bro! Ur DB collections far more better than mine!! Hmm..actually not many lah!! jus some pcs to show only!! Thanks bro!! Yes!! Slaughter...slaughter...slaughter!! thanks KT!!! Me likely that too!!
  6. Ok! I am quitting my DB casting collections...now!! I have been K.O!! Thanks for that nice info..mushrOOM!!
  7. you booking one??? Thanks for the pics..kukubeh!! Demm nice!!
  8. huh!! i cant take it anymore!! Yes!! E-bay time...now!!!
  9. I like "Megan Fox"... Spoiler: acting in the movie "transformers!!
  10. i burst to laugh when i see this also. very nice DB ckh. lucky charms is the nicest among all. Thanks for the comments bro!! Yup!! I love that LUcky Charm very much!! Thanks...gonggok!! Hassan memang lain mcm!! thanks to u too! Yeah! Go for it ...bro!! Hope u can get it soon enough..and join my DB Convoy!! Thanks..bro!!
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