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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. wow!! This one is $uper rare!! "RG Exclusive" Edition!!
  2. fuyoh!!! Another poison???? Ford Taurus SHO! 1/64 too?? Err..wat the SHO stand for??
  3. mane ada!!!! jus some minor collections...only!!
  4. takata is putting a loose piece on auction... now that is scary... cis...nothing scare me!!! ... !!
  5. He he! Great "cuci otak" time!!!
  6. since when protoman become Protonman???? Haiya..my bad..my bad!!
  7. ye ker.. aku ingat ko malam pun lembut gak.. gentle ker gentel... awww ...btw...Nice Qombee ..8!!
  8. NICE HAUL DUDE!! The Cadillac LMP white colour seem nice!!
  9. AFAIK, it got 2 variants as both are open-able hood, but 1 is plain engine and the other is painted engine. but if got unopen-able hood, that means got 3 variants, Thanks for the info..bro! So just like "tikam" time againlah!! Had to buy a lot of carded one to find out!!
  10. ..so u know wat to do when u have one in hand..huh..
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