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Everything posted by danielh

  1. if this "charm" really work....sure i pass $uper to u!! Hopefully not as wat py said: "make no different at all" really meh.... must get one for myself then.... hahaha......... eh........i thought u hav already....
  2. and so wicked!!!!!!!!! thanks and appreciate your comments. As to my custom bone shaker, i'm still trying to apply some new methods for this year. There's still room for improvement for me to explore. Hope you will like it. for sure i like it every customize that u hv done.. thanks bro! your comments are my motivation to go further..!
  3. and so wicked!!!!!!!!! thanks and appreciate your comments. As to my custom bone shaker, i'm still trying to apply some new methods for this year. There's still room for improvement for me to explore. Hope you will like it.
  4. nice and congrats!!!!! with lucky charm, you can haul $$$$$$$$$.....next time don't forget to RAOK me..TH$.
  5. ..u can have it...bro...i meant the PICS!!! yes, in my dreams............!!
  6. thanks bro!!!!!! appreciate your comments from mr. enforcer himself!!
  7. thanks for the suggestion Yao!! the knob is from tiny needle with round tab in the ends.
  8. ai kawan u tarak baca ka.... kan sudah tulis ckh ady book b4 buat pun.... haiya... yes, ckh dah reserved not even know what custom i'm going to do........
  9. thanks thorrr! yes, they are scratch built from transparent pvc (plastic) tube, cut it to appropriate length in the form of T shape.
  10. nice custom!!!!! like that firestone wheels with matching yellow colour BS!!!
  11. ai sey man.....i didn't know that you want these....the other one aready booked by ckh, he just reserved it long time before the actual custom BS complete. thanks again bro!!!
  12. thanks bro!!! post la your custom shaker, so we can share ma........... yes, i think it's more suitable name for these, thanks and i'm gonna change it!!
  13. New custom, new set of wheels and this time is all red and white 'hell enforcer units' These custom made roof can be detached.... added chrome gear knob...
  14. thanks bro!!! the classic GTR still under construction.. your one is still in the unopen box
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