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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. YES!!! It was me, the 32years "old" uncle on that particular day!!! LOL other days? errrr...we gotta do thorough investigation, kikiki.
    Desmond, u stil remember my initial story (Aug'09 if not mistaken) on 7E experience ya. the "uncle" always goes to "sapu" and "asking for TH", LOL

    demonicle wrote:
    musclemania wrote:
    another funny experience. i went to a place for HW. after belek-belek-ing the peg, no new stock. i asked the staff if there is any extra stock yet to be displayed. she answered me "No more" and went away but came back with a TH reg on hand and passed to me. she said "this is reserved by another staff for you".
    WOW WOW WOW!!! speechless and happy for definite but then puzzled why somebody there reserved for me since i do not request them to do so.
    the female staff made a call after passing me the car...i maybe sensitive but this was really fishy, i "buta-buta" get a TH!!! maybe i was the wrong guy at the right place LOL
    ps: the female staff did not demand anything from me, appreciate her kindness indeed.

    so YOU are the OLD UNCLE always taking thunts from staff la!

  2. another funny experience. i went to a place for HW. after belek-belek-ing the peg, no new stock. i asked the staff if there is any extra stock yet to be displayed. she answered me "No more" and went away but came back with a TH reg on hand and passed to me. she said "this is reserved by another staff for you".
    WOW WOW WOW!!! speechless and happy for definite but then puzzled why somebody there reserved for me since i do not request them to do so.
    the female staff made a call after passing me the car...i maybe sensitive but this was really fishy, i "buta-buta" get a TH!!! maybe i was the wrong guy at the right place LOL
    ps: the female staff did not demand anything from me, appreciate her kindness indeed.

  3. perception is solely on $, hai...he is "right" (if we need to say about right and wrong) for those who are hunting only for the sake of making $. but, the comment is "not right" for those who are true collectors, tsk tsk tsk...not all of us are money-minded yo, tsk tsk tsk...

  4. i went to JJ while shopping for CNY on a 1 fine day and visited the toy depart. when i was "belek belek-ing" the HW peg, a so-called "experience" male staff talking with a female staff and both were looking at me. i was wondering why tat time and ... then, only that i realized that the guy was "explaining" to a female staff tat customers are always looking for T-Hunt cos it is valuable for 2nd hand value at market. a real joke of the day (for me) where the guy simply quoted a reason for hunting T-Hunt. not 100% right but he should not simply make a common statement for those hunting TH jst for the sake of $ and somemore, "brainwashing" those who are new to HW. i was thinking to go to the counter and "join" the discussion but i was still busy belek-belek-ing" the new SM. after i had fin, the guy had gone off. well well...

  5. hahaha, Py, I wished mine is $uper but it is not, hahaha. well, let me check again. thanks.

    pydrumerboy wrote:
    All my tallas are the same color as the one you see in the pic except for the super which is lighter I guess.....I think its dark green for the regular, maybe the one you have is a super Smile

  6. RG, no la, i'm a "greedy" collector also
    well, jst shared u guys a "creepy" story (daniel, don't mind ya?).
    i nearly missed the super CP there but after the 3rd round i went to the peg (near counter), i found it. i remember i performed thorough search on the peg twice...i felt somebody was watching me behind, hahaha.

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