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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. dear whom may concern, aiyo, yet fin with "yes" or "no" thing? life moves on, bro
    it is the same as asking "Define fair hunting tactics" or "Define bad hunting tactics"...neverending bro...still, individual preference la.
    unless, there is regulation on what we can do or we cannot do BUT, still it won't end la, even human made regulation also have loop holes.
    cheers, bro, think positive and b happy in collecting HW yo.

  2. it was a surprise coz i didn't expect that too until the promoter showed me the box of stocks she have.
    seems Penang TRU is "cooler" than Klang Valley. according to my bro-in-law on last Thurs, lots of SM stocks r stil available that time; Reventon, Viper, etc.

  3. mostly still -ve comment but how about those hunting with real hard work, effort and of coz by luck too?
    well, if u recalled the Recent Haul for my "Lucky Haul", it was not only merely by luck but it was my 2weeks++ frequent monitoring at the outlet coz i suspected there is restock. of cos i did check with the in-charge then (normal question la, up to u to ask or not) the in-charge said "soon", hahaha. then, finally, it paid off with my haul of th reg mustang, dd, nissan GTR, etc.
    and to share further, all the TH reg mustangs (& oth) that i've got, they were either kept by me, trade or sell at retail (or collectors' own offer price) to collector (sincere collector of cos, not to those who get fr me and sell at higher price out there).
    so, sometime, i think that one should look into the positive side of a certain scenario. right of UCB's comment to me "to stop inspire each oth" at oth post bcos this will b neverending story. anyhow, again, enjoy collecting HW. still, feel free to comment too. me too, one of those who also depressed and upset b4 of not getting any great stuffs but thru hard work & luck, u'll score finally, for eg. check Ferrarizer's latest post, finally, right?
    all the best and good luck yo.

  4. thanks for understanding, UCB.
    fyi, in fact, on that day, if plus HWCM annual dinner, I have 3 separate occassions;
    2 wedding dinner for chinese friend and relative. so, I gotta choose 1 out of 3 which is the friend's wedding dinner cos that's pre-plan the earliest, sigh...

    but, if there is only minority for those who cannot turn up to HWCM annual dinner due to wedding dinner, pls proceed.

    undercoverbrother wrote:
    musclemania wrote:
    Sorry, guys, can't join. I need to attend a member's wedding dinner on the same day, sigh...

    FYI, Sinclair and the moderators, 30-Jan-10 is a good date for chinese wedding. So, it is expected that some chinese members may have to attend certain wedding ceremony.

    Musclemania has a point, demonicle if u wish to fix another date still not late to do so.

  5. ppl tend to look at the negative side but with negative comment only the quality can be further improved. there is always yin and yang. for those with +ve comments, pls also post, jst for balance, hahaha. well, this is an open forum ma, provided not too personal comment, feel free to post yo.

  6. seems more negative comments so far but not fr me. i satisfied with my SM c6r, viper and reventon.
    my personal comment:
    1. viper tampo is nice. i like Viper, hahaha, thumbs up!!!
    2. reventon, flatter is better, too much tampo is no good for Lambor.
    3. for c6r, for issue on poor tampo, if one was referring to the 2flags tampo at front bonnet and side as well as linings at front bonnet, i think it is purposely designed, pls refer to the blister and compare. but, i think overall it is still nice.
    4. agree that price is slightly higher (depends on what u r trying to compare against) but still, individual preference la.

  7. sori, JHC, i shud have told u that time...hahaha...at least i do not cheat u la, hahaha.
    hey, u should have noticed the difference in term of palm size and skin colour of Py against elgee's la. refer to previous post on Py's recent haul la where his palm was shown, hahaha.
    Py and elgee, no offense ya. but, i have not met Py yet.

    jhc7598 wrote:
    thats why i really really curious that time, hehe.. btw u got me la elgee. wait til u back to OZ, i'll revenge, RG-Sukan's style,

  8. so, try get the unit from the "collector" then you may get it at retail price. else, trade la, bro. good luck.
    me too have yet seen the FTE model but i am satisfied with '07 FE. else, get the FTE rims and customize to '07 FE la, bro, another option ma, LOL!!! see CKH bro's post, customized unit also nice apa? hahaha, jk jk jk, this is still individual preference, no offense.

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