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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. CKH: it is pearl pink. under certain angle of light reflection, it seems like "colour shifter" model, hahaha. let me know if u can't find it there, can pass 1 to u, no prob.

    Sinclair: Thanks. The 2 delor were "the best" from the "wor...don't want to mention it la, hahaha...

    Yao: Hope your bro not buying a lot of Delor w/o QC...well, anyhow, u can still loose it and re-paint...yeah, customize it.

  2. aft letting her playing a while with the cards (around 10minutes), it seemed that there is high possibility of "car accident", so, I quickly kept all the cards bck into Store, hahaha.
    nxt time, i wil take pic of my daughters playing with my carded TH, hahaha.
    my daughter likes the loose ice-cream truck very much, she keeps on questioning that there is a human inside the car, LOL!!! and she put her finger inside to "take out" the yellow fella (not Digi-man ya).

  3. chee keng hong wrote:
    wow bro!! Demm nice!!! If only u pass it to me today!! The Muffler really look garang!!!
    And the rubber tires...rocks!!
    This car look awesome after mod!!!

    [2 thumbs up]

    CKH, 2 thumbs up tak cukup la, bro, i lend u both of mine as well as 2 fr my toes, make it 4 fr me, yeahuuu! GREAT!!!

    Daniel, by the way, any customizing competition locally or worldwide? it is time for Malaysian to shine...teng teng teng...Malaysia Boleh, hahaha.

  4. Daniel,
    Suggestion: 1 step advance in customizing by applying LED at both eyes, hahaha!!! real "eyes" at night...wow...scary!!! LOL!!!
    GREAT WORK!!! pls put the white Shaker for HWCM auction. for sure less than 1min wil b gone or neverending bidding, hahaha.

  5. spreading poison, perhaps...hahaha.
    no la, in fact, this good father wants to give a present for his son but not sure what type of toys he shall allow his son to play and collect, so, my recommendation is either HW and MBX. he checked with me what model shall he buy, that time, i only thog of DD. hope this man able to hunt (for his son) from recent 7-E, tesco and JJ promo, else, i gotta help him out cos i do have xtra.

  6. mayb they r looking for good car for their children...or, some "spy-hunter"...i have a few of "spy-hunter" everywhere in Malaysia and out of Malaysia, hahaha.
    well, my story is, i had met with a man at Giant. and he was looking for car for toys for his son. that time, on my hand, with numbers of yellow DD, while putting ("hiding" in fact) back some to the peg, i recommended him to buy the DD, i said it is a nice collection.
    aft wards, he did buy the DD and he mailed me mentioning that his son loves the DD very much, glad that his son likes it. and, i believe he and his son start to collect HW from now on.

  7. I think Mattel should "learn from lesson" for this sort of misalignment error during mass production (packing process). eg. some sort of fool proof/poka-yoke plastic casing (the transparent thing) with certain size according to car width or height, where car cannot be tilted or misaligned.
    but, since error card is also collectible here...also doubt that they will look into this problem, hahaha.

  8. Hi, Peter,
    If the issue is with regards to certain collectors who have been looking hard for models but still in vain, I think you have come to the solution of the "WHY" question...the ANSWER is "HWCM".
    With posting/forum/gathering activities on-goingly active among members, I believe those collectors are able to get the models that they have been hunting hard (via trade, buy at "reasonable" price, even "RAOK" sometime, etc.). Else, another way is buying from the model from relevant websites (highly recommended for those with lots of "bullets", hahaha).
    I think most of us came to this point of asking the "WHY" but more important is "THE SOLUTION".
    Still remember the 7E hunting story that we have been sharing til now? I think that is one of the good information sharing that benefits to all members.


  9. jhc7598 wrote:
    chet.. apsal x dtg minggu lepas, time aku ada.. huhu~~
    btw u'll have to bring more bullet to survive a day there..

    another "Johore wave" aft CKH's visit last Sun, hahaha...Cham, welcome to Klang Valley and ready your bullets for Johore sapu time, hahaha.
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