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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. mushr00m wrote:
    Thanks y'all.. I was sleeping last nite and she called me asking do you have this, and that, and this.. I was like... hmmm.. Just take which ever you thinks its lovely... And when I picked her up later that nite, she passed me this..

    She says this time around, no DD and some dude paid the shop assistant a RM20 tip for all the TH available.. but luckily another shop assistant kept a Th for my gf..

    wa...full of conspiracy...

  2. Variant? Referring to hw.wiki, it is. 3 variants of flame size at the right side of the car...but...
    ...for the left side of the car, the flame size is almost the same...so, I think it is more to 1-sided-error aka 1-sided-variant, hahaha...
    Other (MBX):


  3. Hi,
    Majority were past years models in last 2 days hauling at
    1. Giant - USJ
    2. A shop at Mydin USJ (if not mistaken is "Alif")
    3. C4 - USJ Digital Mall
    4. Petronas - Mesra (at KESAS, from USJ to Shah Alam, before Proton show house)

  4. Hi, Thorrr, It looks really nice, Camaro is always my favourite. By the way, mind asking for the 3rd picture (as well as the 4th and some others), there are some black colour paint splashing on top and sides, are those the reflection after taking picture? eg. special lighting effect huh?
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