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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. i see. jst head to Bkt Tinggi JJ and try ur luck if u want extra. if not mistaken, there are around 3 on the peg since last wk and nobody grabs. Only sapu is routemaster bus, city bus, SLR, mini, ice-cream truck, CTR and jaguar.

  2. musclemania wrote:
    musclemania wrote:
    RG & Sinclair, both of u keep on poisoning me ya, hahaha...let's c what i can do...almost bell rings d, hihihi...if SLR can wait for me, i can own them "temporary" and transfer the ownership to...???hihihi.

    couldn't make it yday, stayed at home, "family matter".

    Hi, Sinclair & Daniel, bad news, all SLR kena sapu (not by me), at both locations...

  3. alamak, sifu py sounds d, sigh..."share share" activity in-progress d, gotta duduk bawak bincang nie...
    my "bullets" not enuf to satisfy entire HWCM lei...gotta seek help fr Mr.S (DD King aka "S" for "Super DD") and ... hihihi...the truth is out there, X-File...hahaha.

  4. no prob, let's wait for the new MBX restock. if u r about to come to KL this wkend, i dun mind "share" some of my MBX with you (I got extra), hihihi. As Mr.S's recommendation, "share share" system, hahaha.

    RG, PM you later for our strategy to take over Chee's territory...hahaha...joking nia.

  5. RG, i hinted Chee, if he got, he can deliver to Daniel and Sinclair as I had failed both of them yday, hahaha.
    ps: Chee, FYI, pls refer to past history in Other Hobbies MBX Excl V2.

    RG, dun simply tapau wo...later ur fren sapu all blimps and dragtor, hahaha.

  6. musclemania wrote:
    RG & Sinclair, both of u keep on poisoning me ya, hahaha...let's c what i can do...almost bell rings d, hihihi...if SLR can wait for me, i can own them "temporary" and transfer the ownership to...???hihihi.

    couldn't make it yday, stayed at home, "family matter".
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