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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. Hi, Daniel & Sinclair,
    I may be joining tom (27-Nov-09) gathering (it will be my FIRST if it happened) at SS15 drive thru McD (near to mosque), I'll bring u guys the "items", hihihi...

    Daniel, hope both of your son are there, I'll try my 1st race against them, here comes a new (very new) challenger!!!

  2. daniel, FYI, my wife, daughter and my mother were waiting inside the car when i dropped by at my hometown 7-11 on Sun morning. the box opening "ceremony" took 10mins where my mum cannot tahan and called my mobile, hahaha! but, my wife was "cool" although my daughter was yelling to go out...hahaha...married man + hunting story, hahaha.

  3. alfagta, correction: i think it is Camaro Convertible Concept red colour with fire tempo, heat fleet series.
    by the way, your daughter is really cute, I bet my daughter will be doing the same nxt time, she is now started to open my IKEA cabinet to "feel" my collection, hahaha.

  4. my experience at a specific 7-11 outlet. it was last Sunday afternoon. I went there asking for new stock and the staff approached me politely and showed me the new box. after i picked few models, i headed to the counter for payment, the staff told me to come back tomorrow (Mon). she advised me that promo price only starts tomorrow and she is willing to reserve for me. it was a good offer in fact but i just paid, thanked her and chow.
    i had had few past experience in the promise of reservation but finally the items were sold, so, I won't try that again.

  5. sinclair: i saw the pink in another post, recent haul, i guessed. or, was it my mistake? light reflection or oth model? sigh...
    adrian: thanks (sounds u seem u have not hunted any? PM me if needed).
    cham: 1 SLR? fine with me. i pass to Daniel? PM me if u need it.
    Daniel, r u ok with this?
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