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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. that is why i named the haul as "lucky" haul, hahaha. wife and promoter's factor again, hahaha.

    kereta hijau ok apa? 2008 FE Pass'n Gasser hijau la, 2009 DG '67 Camaro hijau la, 2009 HW Special Features Jet Threat 4.0 hijau la, MB VW T2-Bus hijau la, MB Austin Mini hijau la, OK APAAAAA LOL!!!
    ps: in fact, all above mentioned hijau cars are my favourite in fact.

  2. cham, that is your luck, nothing wrong about it.
    unless $$$ for reservation la...ah...that's different, I think.

    last time, i was approached by a promoter when i was about to go. he stopped me fr leaving and show me all the new boxes and let me open 1 by 1, hahaha...my luck. he didn't ask me for "anything", respect his kindness.

    all and all...although this is a toy, a collectible toy BUT it is also "political", hahaha...

  3. daniel, some collectors may have xtra $, so, no prob for those to pay "a little bit xtra" to get the $uper from the outlet via reservation.
    there will be "business" if there is "demand"
    there are chances that the "price" offerred by the "in-charge" are cheaper than ebay, sigh...
    this is really jeopardizing the fun, thrill and excitement of hunting, sigh...

  4. thanks, kkb. ah...the nice batmobile fr a "member", appreciate and thank "him" for the good car he is willing to let go, as well as the mystery car-Corvette GS to complete my collection "temporary" (Mattel gonna release CGS in 2010 too)!!!.

  5. bro, sorry to hear that but, wanna confirm with u that, did u mean back window with indication of JFV 6313?
    any other specific thing inside/outside the car? eg.sticker/modification/etc. and, any other thing inside the car.
    we will try to take notice.
    hassan wrote:
    guys if u r on the road be on the look out for my brother's car that got stolen at ss15
    race night last friday 18/12. its a black perdana v6 plate no jfv 6313 front silver rims back black rims.
    plate no might have been changed aledy but can still look at back window.

    reminder also to others to be careful when u go to ss15 gatherings or anywhere even. Upgrade security features if u can. steering lock or alarm doesnt ensure the safety of your cars. as in my bros case.
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