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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. never say never. we use the term "hunting" in HW collection bcos it is the "speed" and "hardwork" (and some others) that count and pay off. again, pls apply Yoda's rule: focus and work hard. else, we only use the term of "buying" / "purchasing" / etc. here...
    well, luck is another factor that is counted too.

    chee keng hong wrote:
    netmatrix wrote:
    The sad fact is, sure cannot land one from the pegs when it arrives. Can only buy it through HWC "unofficial" dealers through website dealings only.

    aiya...no worry bro!! Who know?....Maybe berlambak then!!!!

  2. bro, u can choose to buy or not to buy, the choice is yours finally. if the xtra charges is reasonable, why not? there is no hard and fast rule here. there is always be mutual agreement in term of trade/sell between the players, no obligation. of course, understand your idea of manipulating the price for own benefit as done by certain players, which is "not good" some may think.
    if our intention is good (really wanna help member), a good practice is to contact the member b4 buying. else, if we hoarded a lot and nobody buys fr us, we gotta keep the stocks for our own viewing la, LOL!!!

  3. hey, UCB bro, aiyo, my name appeared pulak...need not label me as "victim" yo
    those who know me whom i assisted to get units at retail price, they deserve it via my own good will and at the same time, still, my practice, "help me, help you" la, no harm, right?
    Holding a knife at the back? me? maybe... i'll only do so if "those ppl" with "ill" intention, hahaha!!!
    Well, still the same statement from me, ENJOY COLLECTING HW!!! excitement, disappointment, satisfaction, hatred, etc. all of these are part of the hunting game.

    undercoverbrother wrote:
    netmatrix wrote:
    Then i wanna ask you guys nicely la. If i buy from a guy who hoard these cars, can i have them for RM4.50, RM5.90 or RM6.50? And then you have to "kow tow" at them for their excuse that they use their effort to find them and must be rewarded?! Not talking about shipping fees. Smiling in front holding a knife at the back.

    You're right. You have to kow tow these hoarders for their hard efforts and giving inspiring speeches in forum to get 'em at retail. We do this every Friday at SS15 where newbies have to line up in front of sifus and show their appreciation to us. The latest victim being some dude called i think his name is musclemania. Then we will have short segment of "why Hotwheels at increased price is still good" during the gath. I heard they gonna use upcoming dinner as their latest indoctrination camp.

    And btw Yoda is special case. You wanna his piece of hoardings at good price, he won't turn out at SS15. You gotta send ur kowtowing through postage first.

  4. agree. there is no right or wrong here as i had stated previously.
    it may be the same situation where one buys eggs, vegetables, etc. at pasar LOL. of course, we as consumer will try to choose the best and always gotta rush to be the earliest (not to mention kia su) so we have the chance to choose. Phone reservation may be applied too sometime, LOL, check with your mum, aunties, etc., they know better, hahaha. this is just an example la, don't take it serious, k?
    so, jst live with this kinda situation since we cannot change it but more important, provided that we are not one of "those", then, I think we are the happy collectors.
    think positive, practise good hunting (info sharing, etc.) and help each other in collection (refer to alfagta's mail and some others in oth post), this will make our life happier in HW collection. but, if you are able to change those "people" mindset, pls go ahead provided with no unhappy outcome.
    demonicle wrote:
    its an egg or chicken matter la.

    u cant be 100% rite both ways

  5. jst have had a chat with my wife during lunch about this incident, talking about staffs working in such outlet and sapu the green. well, even if there is regulation not to allow staffs to purchase HW but still, the staffs also can contact his/her fren outside to buy when they are ngam-ngam fresh on the peg, still, no "prevention" la. so?

  6. Is there possibility that the fella in the clip was in fact helping other collectors to get T-Hunt? Possible, right? hahaha...just to look at the case at different perspective.
    Well, all of these are parts of tactics in hunting regardless of the good or "ill" intention. I think there is no "clear" right or wrong about that. Same goes for all the things happen around us; our personal life, working life, politics and so on...we gotta live with it.
    Well, this matter is debatable but you yourself are clear of what you have done.
    All and all, enjoy collecting HW, this is only a part of the "fun".

  7. I also saw the blue ice-cream truck at a Giant, hihihi.
    mushr00m wrote:
    sinclair wrote:
    Wow, first time see that 2nd color blue ice cream truck. Nice hauls!

    same ere.. It was in the 7E.. looking for old collections and stumble upon this.. However, I went to a couple of 7es but didn't found it anywhere else.. even thou most of the other collections which came together is still there..

  8. RG, i left earlier b4 the race..."personal matter" again. i'm the chinese guy wearing glasses, long sleeves shirt (brown and green), white Converse short basketball pants and a pair of Dunlop (yellow and grey) badminton shoes. i was carrying a box and an umbrella too. detailed enuf for u to recognize me? hahaha.
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